Chapter 51: Battle Wounds

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Lia James

I find it quite a coincidence that every time I end up in this closet, it's because Andrew has this big confession to make. It's a symbol for secrets behind closed doors, and when we come out of it, it stays there so no one can find out.

This time, however, I could actually see what was in front of me. When Andrew hastily grabbed my hand and thrusted me into the janitors closet, I crashed into his hard muscly body.

Yes, I know. I'm a clutz. Whoopie.

We stood there for a good few seconds, Andrew's hand grabbing mine as it was placed on his chest where his heart was beating rapidly. Our bodies were in close proximity, and we stared at each other like the world was about to fall apart.

For a second, I saw a glimpse of him that I've never seen before. The side that was absolutely destroyed, almost like he was damaged from certain things in his past.

His eyes spoke words for him, and they were telling me how much he missed me and longed to have me with him again.

But then...

I remember the secrets and all the lies that I've been told about Andrew and his significant other, whom I've never heard anything about. I'm reminded of the picture that stuck out from under his bed of him with another girl.

And that moment, just that moment, of remembering it all, had me jerking back and creating distance between the two of us. Even though every ounce of my body tells me to kiss the life out of this guy.

"Uh...hi." He says, running his hand through his hair and tugging at the roots.

It only takes two whole days without each other to make things awkward.

"Hi." I said quickly, hoping to find my easiest way of escape from this claustrophobic room.

He begins tapping his foot on the ground, looking for something to say. It's almost as if he knows what he wants, he just can't seem to form sentences.

"Fuck, I can't hold this in any longer." He comes close to me at lightning speed, and I back up only to hit the cement wall behind me after a few steps. He soon follows, hovering his tall self over me, and putting his hand right by my ear.

"W-What are you d-doing?" I didn't like this one bit.

"I can't stand being away from you, Lia. It's driving me fucking insane not being able to touch you or..." He runs his thumb across my bottom lip. "Kiss you."

"You don't have that permission anymore, remember? You have a girlfriend." It was a bit more snippy than I intended, but I wanted to get my point across that he shouldn't be keeping secrets from me.

"Why not?" He sighs, his face inching forward to mine. "Just one kiss, Lia. I promise. I can't stop thinking about you, you're all that's on my mind. Please, just one kiss."

I was at a moment of weakness. Everything just felt so right and I couldn't help but want to kiss him. So, as I nodded my head, he tried closing the gap between us.

Our lips were about to connect, but then I realized how wrong it was to even say yes. I can't give in to him. Not after he holds secrets and relationships that I have no idea about.

So, I pushed him away.

He took it by surprise, and stumbled backward, almost hitting the shelves behind him. Confusion was worn on his face, as I crossed my arms as a means of protection. I didn't want him to make me weak like that ever again. Not until we figure out our problems.

"Come on, Lia." He approached me again.

I put my hand up. "Try and kiss me again and I will punch the living daylights out of you."

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