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He's so fucking tempting.

I couldn't get last night out of my head, I've never seen Noah act that way before... needy.

Damn, I wanted him. I just didn't trust myself enough. I didn't trust myself to keep it in control. His first time would be with me, I didn't want to be too rough, I didn't want to hurt him.

None of that seemed to matter to Noah, though. He'd been teasing me all day. Rubbing his hands across my chest with a cheeky smile, kissing me randomly, pressing back against me any chance he got.

It was maddening.

I don't think he understood what he was asking for. I was not a gentle person. I could try, but it most likely wouldn't do any good. Could he take that? Could he take me?

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt him. I never, ever want to see him in pain. Especially if I was the cause of it. But fuck, he just wouldn't stop and it was driving me crazy. The fact that he does it all with a look of innocence really makes me want to take him. And if I do, I want it to be special. He deserves that.

Noah shifts his eyes from the television to my own, with a sly smirk. I give him a questioning look as he slides his hand up my chest, towards my neck to grab ahold of my jaw.

He rolls over on top of me, and I give him a warning look, of that he ignores. With his chest against mine, he connects our lips together in a shy kiss, so innocent, you'd think he wasn't trying to be a tease right now. But I knew better.

I grab his head and smash his lips against mine, showing him the rough side of me. I lick the roof of his mouth, his tiny fingers trembling as they try to hold onto my shoulders. He quivers as I bite his thick bottom lip, face flushed and eyes blown wide.

He's panting heavily, and I give his cheek a gentle kiss, "Don't tease me, baby."

He wraps his tiny arms around my neck, small body tangling with mine. He's warm and I press my hands against the small of his back, pulling him closer to me.

"I don't know what I'm doing, Toby. You... do things, and it makes me feel... hot. It makes me feel warm." He tries to explain. His innocence and purity was too much to handle, pale skin blushing under my touch.

I chuckle at him, rolling us over so that he was beneath me. He was so small... fragile. He was Noah.

"I'll make you feel things you won't be able to explain, Noah. At the right time, the right place. So, let me take you somewhere. I promise, baby. I want to unite our souls so that they may never separate. I want to be with you forever. Will you go with me?"


He's so fucking precious.

•. •. •.

Twilight could be seen through the trees, the moon watching over us as if we were her own children, her stars.

Noah tightens his arms around my waist as we head to that special place. At first, he refused to get on the motorcycle, or 'deadly vehicle that should have been better constructed.' But after millions of kisses, and calls of 'baby, and 'my Noah' he finally gave in.

His fingers slipped beneath my shirt, feeling the skin there. They were gentle touches, touches only Noah could give... tender.

I pull to a stop, helping Noah off and removing the helmet I forced him to wear. His curls were a mess, and he attempted to pat them down, giving me a playful glare.

He rolls his eyes, and looks around in realization.

"Scared?" I asked as I had the first time I took him here.

There was no hesitation this time, "No."

I come closer, smoothing his curls back, his hands around my waist. His eyes twinkled, a tiny smirk on his pouty lips.

"Do you trust me?"

He giggles, "I'm not afraid of you. I was never afraid of you, Tobias. I trust you with my heart, and I trust you not to break it."

So, I grab his hand, and I lead him to the field. There were more flowers here now, and I lay Noah down in a bed of them, falling on top of him.

I look into his eyes, and he brings a soft hand up to my cheek, "Here?"

I nod, cradling his face in my hands. These hands have the power to destroy, but I won't let them.

"Here." I confirm. Then, I place my lips against his, sealing my love with a promise.

A promise to make him mine.

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