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He stares.

He always stares at me, and he doesn't think I notice.

The constant tap of his fingers against my car door handle was driving me insane and I was glad he'd stopped.

He's so strange. Stranger than me. I remembered when we were kids and he'd talk about the planets, and how there was so many black holes in space that the U.S technology couldn't advance forward in the search of the universe.

He knew so much at a young age and it drove me crazy because he's so much better than me. He was always better than me, so fucking perfect.

I envied him, but at the time I pretended I didn't and just asked him to make mud pies with me.

I was so naive.

Who knew you could fall in love with a lamb?

Who knew that a lion could love?

Who knew I'd have my heart stolen by a small boy with blue eyes?

My fists tighten around the steering wheel.

Knowing you couldn't have someone you wanted really takes a toll on you.

I liked Noah from the beginning. He was just so different, so much more unique than anyone I had ever met and it made me want to scream. I wanted to beat the crap out of him for it, but I also wanted to prove to him that I could be a lovable person, that I could love him.

It's complicated.

I don't say anything to Noah the whole ride there, besides the time I told him to buckle his seatbelt and to stop staring at me.

I don't say anything because I know I couldn't handle the thought that he'd actually care what I had to say.

I wished I wasn't a coward. I'd tell Noah everything, about me, my mom, and that god forsaken house, and our history in it.

I'd tell him how much he meant to me, and how happy I'd been when he'd moved in beside me.

I wouldn't be afraid to let him in, to show him how good I could be to him, how good I wanted to be for him.

But I wouldn't dare curse him that way.

So, I kept my mouth shut and I drove us to school because that's what I has supposed to do.

•. •. •.

Sweat drips from my forehead, and I could hear the crack of bone as I drove my fist into my opponent's face.

Blood dripped from my bruised knuckles, and I balanced myself before getting another hit in.

He blocked it, though barely. I clenched my teeth, and rammed in to him, forcing him to the floor.

Then, my vision went red and I wasn't aware of what I was doing.

I came to when I heard the yells and shouts, and someone pulled me off of the man who was now knocked out, a few of his teeth on the ground beside him.

My arm was lifted as a symbol of victory and the small crowd got louder.

I took the cash the man handed me and hopped off stage. I headed to the back room, where Tom greeted me. Tom owned the place where I fought time to time.

It was housed in an old, abandoned warehouse, and was strictly on the down - low, as most illegal fighting was.

Tom allowed me to fight, which was rare for someone my age, but he understood why I was here, and what my goals were. He said I reminded him of himself once.

He gave me permission to fight on the condition I give the other half of the money to him. I had agreed, because some money was better than none.

I was saving up, so that I could move out with my mother, so that we could start over.

And, maybe, I wanted to take Noah with me too.

Not that'd he want to go or anything.

"I didn't know you were fighting tonight, Ghost. Here to brag?" Tom asked, smirking at me. He dragged a hand through his raven colored hair and his chocolate eyes met mine.

"You know why I'm here, Tom." I said, handing him half of the money I made. He smiled up at me, and I blinked at him.

He shook his head, "Never gonna get a smile outta you, am I?"

I shook my head, but accepted the pat on the shoulder I received.

"You're talented, kid. And you're honest, got more sense than half the knuckle heads here." Tom says.

My eyebrows frown as Tom hands me the money back.

"You keep it. Save up, and get out of here. A kid like you shouldn't even be in this area, but I know you need the money. That's the only reason I let you fight. I hope you find what you're looking for once you do get out of this crappy town." Tom says, giving me another pat on the back.

I nod up at him, and turn to go.


I turned back around at the sound of Tom's voice. He smiled at me again, winking.

"Take that boy you love with you, okay?"

"Of course."

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