Chapter 44: Reunion

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Location: Epitala, Lavine Kingdom 1902 - 16 years

Frederick: 50 Lucius: 44 Princeton: 42

Orisis: 22 Hadleigh: 21 Alvin: 21 Nereus: 20 Brenda: 17 Pamela: 16

Hadleigh, Nereus, and Pamela went to the market in the morning to walk around a bit. They looked at the trinkets and the fruits and vegetables in the stands. Typically their mother didn't allow them to go to the market since she believed there were too many delinquents lingerie near but she let them go this time while she spoke to a friend of hers. Hadleigh noticed the banners had the Night kingdoms banner which was typically only hung when the town expected the royal family to pass by or for festivals. Soon the people began to step aside as the royal carriage passed by quickly, Hadleigh recognized it immediately as it passed by them she immediately spotted her father sitting talking to her uncle. "Fathers there!" she said getting her siblings attention. "We should head back home," Nereus said glaring towards the carriage direction. "Come on Hadleigh," Pamela said grabbing her sister's hand as they began walking back. "No, he's probably been looking for us," Hadleigh said keeping her eyes on the carriage as it moved further away. "No he hasn't, mother said he's never cared so let's just go home," Pamela said trying to convince her sister. "You guys go ahead." She answered pulling away. "Hadleigh!" Pamela said as her sister ran off behind the carriage.

"Let her go, let's tell mother," Nereus said walking ahead. Hadleigh ran passed the crowds trying her best to catch up. Finally, the carriage stopped to allow people to pass before continuing. Behind the carriage, the guards stood to keep the people from getting to close. "NEO! MAX! KOEN!" Hadleigh yelled but her voice was lost in the crowd's commotion. She looks at some pebble on the road and picked tossed them towards them. She grabbed Koen's attention who recognized her immediately "Princess Hadleigh?" he asked to be sure. Max immediately knocked on doors on the carriage. "Prince Frederick, your eldest daughter is outside," Max said and Frederick immediately stepped out. "Hadleigh?" he asked slowly walking to her, he hadn't seen her since she was five and now she was probably in her early twenties. "Father!" she said running to hug him. Frederick hugged her tightly trying to hold his tears "How you've been? Where your siblings?" he asked wiping her tears.

"They went back home, and I've been fine and you?" she said smiling. "Busy as usual, and your mother?" he asked. "Strict like usual," she answered chuckling. "Hadleigh, long time no see," Princeton said stepping out. "Uncle, likewise," she answered as she curtsied. "Would you like to join us?" Princeton asked. "Join? I would but I don't think I can just leave," she said. "Oh but you can, that is what your mother did right Ric?" Princeton said wrapping his arm over Fredericks' shoulder. "Don't teach her to disobey, You should return home before your mother worries," Frederick said removing his brother's arms. "... but father, it's been so long since we've seen each other, I actually do want to come with but... um actually can I?" she asked thinking about it. "Hadleigh, your mother will be worried if you leave without telling her," Frederick said. "But she won't let me go if I ask her, please father" Hadleigh pleaded. "... Sorry, Hadleigh I really can't just bring you with us." Frederick said lowering his head.

"Have you really not been concerned about us? Mother says you don't care about us, is that true? What have you done to look for us?" Hadleigh asked. "I did look for you guys, but there's only so much I can do alright. I care for you and Nereus and Pamela it's just that I know your mother would not want you guys to have anything to do with me and I rather not upset her more by just taking you so abruptly." Frederick answered. "Whatever Ric, Priscilla is a bitch stop worrying of what she thinks, Hadleigh get in the carriage you're coming with," Princeton said holding the door open for her. "Why so much care for my mom's feelings now? She said you don't care what she thinks of feels, let it be the truth." Hadleigh said climbing up on the carriage. "Hadleigh, please climb down we won't be coming back through Epitalas rode," Frederick said extending his hand to help her down but she turned away from it. "Just get on Ric, we already delayed enough," Princeton said. Seeing how Hadleigh seemed insistent in staying on he went in and took a seat next to her.

A Different Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें