Chapter 38: Older Brothers Help

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Location: Canterlot, Lavine Kingdom

Orisis: 2 Hadleigh: 1 ½ Alvin: 1

They arrived at the Lavine's castle where they were greeted by the advisor of the kingdom. He led them to the garden to meet with the king. They began to discuss the situation but every time the king responded Princeton got a bit tenser since he believed that the king was not saying the entire reason for the forces. "Now you've gone on and on your troops but have not said why they are there. My people need to know why there is military of another kingdom setting up camps close to their homes, and as the king of the night kingdom I have come to find those answers but you sir, you have not given me one single reason to it." Princeton said standing up. Frederick looked up at Princeton and tried to signal him with his eyes to sit down but Princeton was too busy glaring at the king of the Lavine kingdom who also stood up. "It doesn't matter what my troops are there for it not a concern for Night kingdom it's only temporary." the king responded.

"Temporary? Until when? Why are they there? Is my question" Princeton asked getting frustrated. "Princeton, please sit down. Your majesty, I apologize but what my brother is only answering the concerns of the Night kingdom," Frederick said the situation got more tense. "Well, we got to thinking that since the Night Kingdom is recruiting from my kingdoms prisons, we should be able to continue to recruit in the Night Kingdom, of course Queen Naeva's recruitment from our prison was suppose to be a one time thing yet it has continued and our recruitment in the Night Kingdom was only going to take place while it didn't have a monarch but seeing how the Night Kingdom still has interest in our criminals then we will still have interest in the proper soldiers that the Night Kingdom has to offer," The king replied. "Well, I'm sure you can recruit without forces, what's the point of the men being armed if it for recruitment?" Princeton asked. "You still ask? Your kingdom has been taking our highly sought out criminals and trained them even giving them a shadow spell to use even if they were not born with magic, it is only right my men take caution with your men," the king answered.

"We understand your worries as I hope you understand our kingdoms, but if there's a way to make the kingdoms understand that neither kingdom is a threat to the other, I personally believe our kingdoms should be aware of our alliance and not be doubting whether we are on verge of war," Frederick suggested before Princeton could say anything more. "Don't worry about that, Prince Lucius and I have come up with the perfect solution," The Queen said walking in next to Lucius. "Lu?" Princeton said confused looking at his brother who waved at them. "Well my dear?" the king asked as the queen walked to his side. "We can make the lightning versus shadow competitions an annual event to continue reminding the people of our peaceful alliance, we did stop it because we thought the competition was to prove those men could follow orders but the event can be used to prove much more," she responded.

"It's a competition where people will win and lose without the risk of loss of life, and I mean everyone like watching a friendly competition," Lucius continued standing next to his brothers. "I like that idea, what do you say King Princeton?" the King asked. "Very well, we can try my brother's method," Princeton said still a bit confused about why Lucius was there. "Good, then we look forward to it," The queen answered.

The three left after setting up a date of when the event would occur, "Lucius mind answering why you're here?" Frederick asked. "What do mean? I am your brother, and though I did say I'm not much into politics I still want to help our kingdom and well, I came to ask uncle Oswald but I bumped into the Queen and she began requesting some dresses than one conversation turned into another and well you guys know the rest." Lucius answered. "... The peaceful Prince, the Prince of heaven and then me King of shadows, how do you guys even earn those nicknames, I worry of the kingdom and immediately everything I say is wrong yet you guys always find a way to make whatever you guys say into something good, WHY!?" Princeton said the moment they got into the Carriage. "Psy, calm down. That's your first problem. You need to think things before you speak especially when speaking with another monarch" Frederick answered. "You make it sound so easy," Princeton answered. "Cheer up Psy, you had good intentions just not the best way to express them, just keep working on it, try smiling more you know kinder gesture," Lucius answered.

"You guys are going to Luciaa first right?" Lucius asked. "Yes, why?" Princeton asked. "Oh, I told Sitara to meet up with me at your in-laws and don't worry Ric she's bringing Priscilla and Hadleigh with..." Lucius responded before being interrupted. "...Right, thank you, Lucius." Frederick responded. "I hope you guys don't mind, it was just the spur of the moment," Lucius said. "It's fine Isa and Wilkins have been wanting to meet Orisis and Hadleigh anyway," Princeton answered. "Yeah, and Priscilla has been wanting to leave the house for some fresh air as well, I guess it might be good for her," Frederick responded. "...By the way Frederick, what did you name your son?" Lucius asked. "... What son?" Frederick asked. "The one Priscilla had a day ago... you didn't know she already had him?" Lucius asked. "Uh... I was busy with the castle things I stuffed her letters in my pocket to read later I didn't think it'd be important... Oh, she's going to be pissed." Frederick said checking his pockets.

"You read everything but your wife's letters? Seriously, Ric, those would be the ones I would be reading over and over," Princeton said. "It's not my fault it's usually her just complaining about minor problems our neighbors have, they never even involve her it's just pure gossip. I'm going to have to do an awful lot of apologizing." Frederick said finding the letter all crumpled in his pocket. "See Psy, you might be bad at politics but Ric is horrible with his marriage," Lucius said trying to make Princeton feel better. "And you're not good at comforting people, Mr. Perfect," Princeton said. "I'm not perfect, I just pretend to be. You know it's kind of like the pastries on the display, they look good but the moment you actually get one it's all beat up and messed up." Lucius answers. "... Are you saying you're delicious? Lu, I don't think it's appropriate to compare yourself to a patisserie" Princeton answered. "You missed my point! Anyway, what I'm saying is I also have flaws, I'm just not in a position to show them, I have my father's legacy to protect." Lucius answered.

"Lucky you," Princeton answered rolling his eyes. "Well, I guess my children won't have to bother with that seeing how I'm already a horrible father," Frederick answered. "Ric, it's alright just get her flowers or a gift of some kind," Princeton answered. "Would you help pick one out them?" Frederick asked. "Haha, that's your problem you have to pick it out it's far more meaningful that way," Princeton answered. "Right," Frederick answered.

Location: Luciaa, Lavine Kingdom

Before arriving at Luciaa they passed by to get some gift as Princeton's suggested, though Priscilla didn't seem to appreciate it as much. They had arrived and Priscilla rested with the new baby on the side while Hadleigh kept trying to pull the blanket to see the baby, Orisis wandered around the wells house looking at anything that could have his reflection while Cynthia and Sitara kept Priscilla company. Alvin was rather attached to his grandparents and refused to be put down though he had just learned to walk on his own.

"Alvin, come here papa is here," Princeton said trying to carry Alvin but he kept turning away. "Alvin, look water," Princeton said using his magic to shape some water getting the attention of the little boy and he began to reach to be carried by him. "Aw, that's my big boy," Princeton said carrying him. Meanwhile, Lucius walked behind Orisis making sure he didn't drop anything of what he kept picking up. "Orisis, no no that's gonna break if you don't hold it properly," Lucius said taking it away. "Shiny, Osi" Orisis said pointing at his reflection. "That's right that's Osi, but it's not Osi's so don't break it now," Lucius said keeping a close eye. "You should learn something from your brothers don't you think?" Priscilla said. "I know, I'm sorry okay but this was really important... What did you name him?" Frederick said stopping himself before he could say anything to anger her more. "I haven't given him one I thought that was the least you could do," she said trying to keep Hadleigh from completely pulling the blanket off.

"Then how about Nereus?" Frederick asked picking up Hadleigh. "Whatever you decide," she responded. "Alright then, well I'll let you continue your conversation with Sitara and Cynthia. I'll take Hadleigh to let you rest a bit." Frederick said Hadleigh giggled hugging him tightly. "Since the three are close in age hopefully they grow up to be close," Isa said looking. "You think they all have different interest though, right Lucius?" Princeton said chuckling as he watched him struggle with Orisis who kept walking in and out of rooms. "Yeah, Osi, for example, loves shiny things," Lucius said. "He likes his reflection, not the shiny item," Princeton laughed. "What? I don't think so, what do you think Ric?" Lucius asked. "Honestly, he looks to like his reflection more than the shine," Frederick answered. "Oh..." Lucius answered. "What does Hadleigh like?" Princeton asked. "People, she likes others, company " Frederick responded while she tried to squirm to join Orisis. 

A Different WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora