Chapter 3 ~ Family Time

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3 years old

Three years have passed and I've finally able to walk around! Wooo, finally~

I can also talk without lisp now! Well, I could already talk, although with a lisp, since I was one. My parents were so surprised and called me a genius, similar to my brother...

Well, it would be hard to explain that I'm actually a reincarnated person who retain her memories so I guess this sort of misunderstanding is fine?

Though my brother immediately realised that I was also a reincarnated person... The reason was... because he's also a reincarnated person!

"Hey... Are you also a reincarnated person?"

When he asked that, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. I froze and looked at him with scared eyes.

His eyes were serious, but maybe after seeing me froze in shock, he became slightly flustered.

"Ah, it's fine! I won't tell anyone. I too am a reincarnated person you see..."

As soon as he said that, I sighed a breath of relief as able to calm myself down a little.

"My name was Hikaru Kazuto."

...Once more I froze, shocked even more than before.


W-What? Did I hear it right?


I raise my shaking finger and pointed at him as I said the nickname of my best friend.


This time he was the one who froze and looked at me with wide eyes.

His mouth was opened and his hands were shaking similarly to me.



H-He's really Kazu...

As soon as we snapped out of it, we broke down and cried as we hugged each other. For two high schoolers, it was embarrassing, yes, but who could blame us!

Although we have great parents and live in luxury, suddenly being reincarnated into a different world alone was still scary. It was a huge relief knowing that at least we know that we're not alone.

Our mother found us crying and brought us to her room while soothing us. Tired, we ended up sleeping together in our mother's warm and loving embrace after calming down.

Ever since then, we would always be together. Kazu, or rather, Lu-nii would always read books in my room, and when there are no one else, he would give some to me so I can read it too.

Surprisingly, although we are in another world, they were written in english. Although I'm japanese, I have no problem in english since I'm used to it from reading plays and scripts which were in english.

Because of that, we've learned quite a lot about this world. And I've also shared my knowledge about the otome game to Lu-nii. He couldn't believe me at first but after I told him people names who were in the game, he believed me since there are people in this world with those names.

Though he said he won't fall that easily for the heroine. In the first place, his resistance towards women are high from the years of being a popular guy.

Oh, and when I talked about the death flag regarding my brother.

"Don't worry~ You know I wouldn't do something that cruel to you right? Well if you start acting like that Alterisa... I might just think about it~"

The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game!Where stories live. Discover now