Chapter 117 ~ Differences

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[3rd Person POV]

"Nngghh... What the... Kuhh...! My head..."

Stirring awake with a raging headache pulsing in her head, Aria opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling with the afternoon sun shining upon her from the window to her left.

She slowly lifted her body up with a struggle, holding her head in pain as she clenched her eyes close before slowly adjusting them to the light and began looking around.

It was a large, luxurious room, a size bigger than her classroom but similar in design. But instead of chairs and desks, there were large canopy beds with white, silk curtains. They were separated by quite a large distance for privacy reasons, and each bed has a bed-side desk with a vase with beautiful fresh flowers decorating it.

Where is this... When did I got here...?

She recalled sneaking out of her lecture and heading to her empty classroom. And when she was about to give that snobby slut a taste of her own medicine, she blacked out...

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember what happened.

"Ah, so you finally woke up."

Just then, a beautiful, melodic voice snapped her out of her daze.

She turned her head towards the person and saw an enviously beautiful bespectacled woman in a pure white doctor's coat. She had beautiful, sharp, light blue eyes, a sharp nose, and luscious red lips. And under her coat, she wore a white shirt, which was visibly struggling to keep her voluminous bosom in, and a tight, black, pencil skirt that seemed to confine her round hips a bit too perfectly.

She scowled in envy at her "slutty" proportions and appearance, weaving her own background story about the woman before her being a slut who "f*cked" her way up to where she is now.

Fortunately, although the doctor noticed her scowl, she interpreted it as her wincing in pain from her headache.

"Where... is this..."

"This is the infirmary of the royal academy. I found you unconscious, lying on the courtyard. You must've fainted from heat stroke due to being in the sun for too long. Have you been skipping class?"

"I- Nngghh...!"

Aria intensified her glare at the doctor, wanting to refute her accusation even if she was right in that she skipped class. But the moment she tried, a wave of pain assaulted her brain and all that escaped her lips were instead groans of pain.

A sigh escaped her luscious red lips, crossing her arms under the massive bosom, before continuing.

"I will look past this and not report you to your homeroom teacher since you seemed to be in terrible pain. You may rest for the rest of the day and return after you feel better. But do not repeat the same mistake again."


Aria harrumphed and laid back down to the bed and covered herself with the thick, soft blanket, earning her another shaking of the head from the doctor.

Seems like the rumors of her unruly behavior was not exaggerated after all...

Sighing for the umpteenth time since she carried the infamous female student to the infirmary, she returned to her desk and continued filling up the paper works related to the sleeping female student.

By afternoon, right after all class have ended for the day, the blond-haired student woke up with vigor and left the room stomping without even turning an eye to the doctor. And when she left, she slammed the door close, earning the silent ire of the doctor.

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