Chapter Six

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"Dat better be a little girl you talking to Emani"

Nipsey shouted while leaned against his car watching his ten year old daughter giggle in a little boys face.

" Tell ya little friend bye" Emani sighed and waved at the boy stomping towards her dad.

"Really dad?"

Nipsey shrugged his shoulders, opening up the car door for Emani.

"Hell yeah, ain't gonna be no boyfriends until you thirty"

Emani snatched her book bag off tossing it into the backseat before climbing into the passenger seat.

" That's way too old" She complained.

" I'm 32 and I'm single nothing wrong wit it and 32 ain't old"

Nipsey reached over her pulling the seatbelt for her, she rolled her eyes clicking it in.

" I'm sorry I ain't been coming to get you shit been hectic these past couple of days" Nipsey explained his absence.

" Who is she?"

Emani crossed her arms over her chest just like her mother did when she wanted answers.

" What you talking about ?" Nipsey chuckled.

"I overheard mom and Uncle Sam talking about you dating again"

Nipsey could kill his brother and Emani's mom for discussing his love life or lack there of around his very nosy daughter.

"What I tell you bout listening in on grown people conversations E?"

"I know dad stay in a child's place but I want you to be happy" Emani spoke genuinely to her dad.

" I am happy you are my happiness Emani"

He didn't want his only child to feel like she wasn't enough to make him happy because she was his everything.

" I know that dad but I want you to be happy like in a relationship"

" Emani I don't need a relationship to make me happy" She huffed staring at her dad while he focused on driving.

" I'm going to get straight to the point, dad I'm ready for babies"

Nipsey slammed on his breaks roughly making them jerk forward.

" Fuck you mean you ready for babies Emani I swear to God if I find out you pregnant dat little nigga is dead"

"Dad relax I meant to say I'm ready for you to have babies I want siblings" Nipsey sighed in relief clutching his chest.

" Emani don't play like dat"

" I'm sorry mom refuses to have anymore kids so you are my only hope"

Even though he was financially prepared for another child he wasn't mentally or emotionally ready to have another child especially with someone he didn't know.

"Emani it doesn't work like dat, adults are either suppose to be in a long term relationship or married before having kids"

" Well marry the lady you been hanging with"

Although Emani was intelligent and mature she still had a child like innocence to her that Nipsey was thankful for.

" let's just let it flow and see where it goes"

" How are you going to do that when you won't even let her know you like her?"

Nipsey had to admit Emani was right, how was London to know that he was feeling her if he didn't speak up.

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