Chapter 21

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Jordan's P.O.V
I was trying to understand what happened. I was still shocked as I saw Mark's car speeding away from me.
I started walking. I didn't know where the estate was but I started walking. I thought of all the activities what happens in the last 24 hours. How he told me continuously that he couldn't let women train and he would chose that over me. But I somewhere knew deep down that he would come back to me and understand what I am trying to say is right.
I did not understand why he was so uptight about not training women. I even thought of rejecting him because he treated me so badly. But then I realised it was wrong on my part to do that. I couldn't reject someone who wouldn't listen to me. Maybe I should talk and try to reach a conclusion.
In the book of rejection there was a mention about heat. I was shocked to find out about it. It said that the mating process must be completed before the next full moon or else the female werewolf will under go heat for 5 days.
Mark already started the mating process by biting me and when I had checked the calendar I realised that the next full moon was in 10 days.  When I looked up about heat. It mentioned pain in big bold letters everywhere. It also mentioned that there will be a lot of pain with sexual desires towards your mate and the smell of my arousal will attract a lot of unmated werewolves.
I was jumpy all morning since I found out and when Mark asked me out for a lunch date I was happy. I knew he wanted to make amends. But from where I stood right now I realised I screwed up somewhere. I was annoyed how could her throw his mate out of the car just like that? I thought he had been waiting for me past 12 years.
I walked for another 45 mins and found myself in front of a forest.
"Of course I am lost." I muttered to myself. I walked a little inside the forest. I was tired. I sat under a tree  and removed my sandals.
Hey Jordan. Let me out. I'll guide you home.
That is no home of mine. I spoke back to my wolf and I could hear her whimper.
I didn't realise but I fell asleep and when I got up it was dark. I left my purse in the car which had my phone. I facepalmed myself. I was lost in a forest and I didn't know what time was it.

Suddenly I felt a lot of pain. All over my body. I was on the floor in minutes. I wasn't able to comprehend why I felt this much pain. It came out of no where. But then it vanished out of the blue. It did leave me panting though.
Please let me take over.

She pleaded again and all I could do was say yes. My ears were met with the sound of bones cracking and clothes ripping and soon I was on my four paws. Like Sara said she knew the way. She actually did.
I reached the doorstep of the house in 20 mins.

I found a pacing Jessica and a worried Stacey at the door.
"Jordan." Jessica screamed and ran towards my wolf.
"Where were you?" Stacey was soon to join her.
"We thought you left."
"Think about your human form Jordan." And I was a naked Jordan on the floor. Stacey covered me with a blanket immediately.

"Come on get up" Stacey tried to help me on my feet.
"She is in pain Stace." Jessica gave her a knowing look. Before I blacked out completely I saw Vanessa and Mark at the door. But what made me gasp was Vanessa was just wearing a flimsy night robe and Mark was wearing just boxers and Mark was holding Vanessa by her waist.

I was turning over and over in a soft bed.
I opened my eyes to find myself in a familiar room. I felt fresh and energetic. I immediately sat up on the bed.
"Hie" I called out to Jessica who was sleeping besides me.
"Staceyyy." She screamed.
I was shocked. "That is a very fine good morning mate." I was in a good mood. I don't know why.
I leapt out of the bed.
"You are finally awake." I heard Stacey barge in and run towards me.
"What do you mean by finally awake."
I asked hugging her back.
"You slept for three days straight." Jessica walked towards me and hugged me back. The two sisters were looking deep into my eyes now and that's when reality hit me. All the activities which happened came back to me.
I was shocked, upset and angry.  I remember how Mark left me on the road and how I was lost and how Vanessa was clinging onto him.

"You slept so much because of the pain." Stacey sat besides me.
"Why was I in pain?" 
"Because Mark decided to cheat on you." Jessica's voice was full of annoyance.
"What!? I mean .." I was loss of words.
"As Mark has bitten you and you both started the mate bond, when a mate cheats on the other, the other feels the pain so that they know they have been cheated on." Stacey gave me the answer
"And he has chosen Vanessa as his Luna."
I was still recovering from the cheat thing when Jess decided to drop me another bomb.
They smiled at me sympathetically.
"I need a shower." Is all I could manage to say.

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