Chapter 5

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Marcus P.O.V
I stared outside the window. I didn't know what to think or what to do.
I heard a soft knock. I didn't reply to it. I wanted to be left alone for sometime. Even after 8 years, Jessica could be a pest. She walked in quietly and stood besides me.

"You know she is beautiful. She just not my best friend, but also my client." The last part caught my attention.

"What is wrong with her? Is she sick?"

"No. She has been trying to conceive past 1 year. Even though she and her husband, both are completely fine they couldn't conceive."

I cringed at that information. I couldn't imagine my mate being with another male.

That's when  I realised. She couldn't have kids without her true mate. It's a wolf thing if a human is selected as a mate of a wolf then she can't bear kids with any other male other than her true mate. It was the same for wolves , a wolf couldn't bare pups with anybody else other than their true mate.

"Does the man keep her happy?" I asked. Though I dreaded the answer.

"He is not a man" that's all she said. I raised an eyebrow to that statement and she continued.
"Do you remember Alpha Steel?"

"You mean Robert ?"

"Yes Robert Steel."

"Yea what about him?"

"When Dad overthrew him. He and his family moved to New York. They started a business and mingled with the human world."

"I am listening." I told her and she continued.

"His son Lucas Steel took over their business when Robert died in a car crash along with his wife."

"I don't know why are talking about the Steel family. You do know the past right ?"

"Can you just shut up and listen. It's important."

I raised my hands in surrender and listened to my sister.

"Lucas lost his mate in the car crash too. But he was a strong chap. It didn't break him. He continued to work and increased the profits of his firm. Eventually he was one of the youngest business tycoons. When Arnold and I shifted to New York. Arnold found a job at Lucas' firm. "

I fumed at that statement. She looked at me and continued.

"We didn't know at that time that he was Lucas Steel. Later with regular meet ups we recognised him. Obviously we would have, but that didn't change anything. We never spoke about our past. We just acknowledged each other as harmless werewolves. Soon his wife and I became friends and I eventually grew fond of his wife Jordan."

At her name I turned towards sharply.

"You mean Lucas is married to Jordan. Out of all the people she chose Lucas. That mutt!"

"Lucas is different not like his father. And he really cares about Jordy."

"Is she aware of werewolves ? "

"No!! I had asked Lucas about this. And he said he would never tell her. He didn't want her to fear him." 

" wow what a love story!"
I sat on the bed. My head on my hands and I muttered "what do I do?!"

"You will find her at the waterfall. Go see her" she said sheepishly.

"She loves him."

"Mark do not forget you are her true mate and the mate bond is above all."

I shook my head. I didn't want to hurt her.

"At least meet her once."

I didn't need anymore persuasion. I rushed to the garage and picked my Harley. From the time I realised I had a mate I had that constant itch. My wolf was jumping and howling. Finally the wait was over. I am coming for you Jordan.

The waterfall was a beautiful place. I would often come down here at night. I leaned on the bike and admired my mate. I just knew it was her. She was swimming. And her stupid husband was doing some photography. She swam to the shore and sat on a boulder. Soon her husband joined her. They both sat in silence. I could feel the love she had for him radiating through her body. They sat there looking at the glistering water.

Soon he picked her up and placed her on his lap. They kissed passionately and my heart ached. I couldn't watch the closeness anymore. I walked towards them. And wondered how to make my presence felt. They were too engrossed in eating each other's mouth.
I coughed. But they didn't hear. I noticed Lucas' hand was about to unclasp her bra that's when I growled. She was already in a bikini which didn't hid enough. But I wouldn't want my mate to be naked in forest grounds where there where unmated wolves. And not to forget the smell of her arousal was tempting . Hearing my viscous growl they stood up quickly.

I couldn't help it, my eyes roamed all around her body and then it met her beautiful hazel eyes. She was treat. The prettiest woman I ever met.

As I stared at her shamelessly, I saw her staring back at me hungrily. I was sure my eyes showed my longing for her. Where as hers showed pure lust.

We continued to stare at each other until that mutt coughed awkwardly. And she immediately hid herself behind him. Of course he must have realised who I am. I smell of an Alpha and he realised I caught him trespassing. No wolf is allowed to cross the territory of another without permission.
I am sure even the mutt noticed the longing in my eyes. I just hope he is not like his father.

"Are you new here? " I asked as politely as possible. Though I wanted to rip him off. But I needed to win her love at the same time.

"We are tourists. We will be leaving tomorrow. "
the mutt replied.

"I am Marcus. People generally call me Mark. This place is led by me." I offered him my hand.

"Oh I am Lucas and this is my wife Jordan.So you are a Mayor or something." What a smart ass. He wanted to play aloof. Game on.

"Yes kinda." I muttered. I looked at her again.

"Why don't you come and have lunch with my family today. We don't get much tourist."

Without any hesitation he replied,"Definitely ".

I wondered if he was a fool. He should have known if he said yes now then there is no turning back from here. Jordan would stay here. Because I don't think I could let her go now.

We started walking towards our car. I led the way. I mounted my bike and rode ahead of them. I knew exactly where they stayed. It was minutes away from the waterfall. We reached there soon. Lucas wanted to play gentleman and offered me to come inside, which I gently declined. I asked them to meet me here once they have freshened up.

I had turned to walk away but I heard the door slam behind my mate. They were having some conversation which I didn't want to hear even though if I wish I could as I had the wolf hearing powers. Soon enough I was hit with the strong smell of my mate's arousal. I cursed under my breath.

I realised I couldn't breath as the smell was suffocating. My heart was tearing into millions of pieces and I walked away from there.
That's when I made a promise to myself, that this will be the last time another male touched her.

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