Chapter 24

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         I sat with Iris on her bed, she had had a night terror. Aaron was fast asleep in the next room and I sighed, rubbing her shoulder. My fingers would graze the stop of her amputated arm every once and a while, causing my heart to ache. I rocked her back and forth as she sobbed and slowly began to quiet down.
        "Mom." She said.
        "Hm?" I replied.
        "Do you think my mate will reject me once he sees me? You know, without my arm." She asked.
        I sighed and kissed her head.
        "I don't think so. Even if he did, I think the moon Goddess would have another plan for you." I whispered truthfully.
        She sighed and laid down once again.
        "Are you nervous to be crowned tomorrow night?" She questioned.
        "A little. But at the same time no. Because I know that this is what I want." I told her.
        She smiled and I kissed her head.
        "Call me if you need me." I said.
I stepped out of her room and sighed, looking down the hall at my own. I ran a hand over my slightly swollen belly and smiled. I was so nervous to tell Mason. Even though I knew he would be ecstatic. I decided to go downstairs and stand on the back porch for some air. The fresh air was heavenly after a long day of fitting my dress, picking decorations, all that jazz. I think Mason was more tolerant than me. However, he wasn't being prodded by needles while being fitted for a dress. The two women working on the dress noticed my belly immediately and I told them to keep quiet. They promised.
As I thought about tomorrow night, a small shiny light started to twinkle in the woods. My eyes narrowed slightly and a giggle came from the woods. It sounded like a little girl's giggle.
"Come, come." I heard another voice in the woods.
I swallowed hard and inched toward the Forrest. The gentle giggle came again and I took a deep breath.
"My Mommy will be mad that I snuck out." The little girl said.
I didn't recognize the voice all that well and my heart pounded as I kept my eye on the small shiny object.
"Don't worry about that. Come with us, we'll have fun." A voice said.
"Okay, lets go." She said excitedly.
I gasped, running in to the woods to stop her from going.
"No!" I shouted, ready to grab the girl.
But when I got to where the shiny object was. There was no little girl. Instead, Giselle stood in the moonlight with a smirk, holding a necklace. The moonlight shining on the necklace, causing the shining that I saw. My eyes narrowed and I straightened.
"That was easy to the point of boring. Honestly, you're pathetic." She sighed, tossing the necklace to the side.
"Where is she? Where is the little girl?" I demanded, afraid she had hurt her.
"You mean this little girl?" She smirked before changing her voice to sound like a young child as she giggled.
My eyed narrowed even more.
"What do you want?" I asked her.
"I want what's mine. I want Alpha Mason." She snarled.
I shook my head.
"He's not yours, Giselle. He's mine. That's the way it was made to be and that's the way it will stay." I replied.
"Not if I have anything to do with it. I expected you to be out of the picture by the time I got back. But I guess my idiotic cousins were too dense to take on a weak She-wolf and her pup." She scoffed.
"You did that? You sent them after us?" I sneered.
"Boy, you catch on fast. They were more than happy to do it, though. Considering how they had wiped out the rest of your pack. They were pretty pissed to figure out that you were still alive. Small world, huh?" She snickered, walking in a large circle around me.
"Your cousins. That makes you a hybrid." I concluded calmly.
"Correct. At least you're smart. That's one thing you have. I mean, honestly, I'm what Mason needs. Strong. Unique. Basically indestructible. What are you in comparison?" She growled.
Her unnatural speed whooped my hair forward as she ran up behind me and put her lips to my ear.
"You're nothing compared to me." She whispered.
My teeth and nails grew and I reared my foot back, making Giselle fly back into a tree. She groaned.
"Your blood killed mine. Your blood killed my pack. Your blood damn near killed my pup. Now, I'm going to kill you." I promised her as she stood up.
I heard twigs snap behind me and saw five demons emerge from the woods. She hissed the way only a demon could. They all stopped.
"She's mine." She told them.
I smirked. She ran at me and threw her fist at me, which I caught and spun her on to her back. I got on top of her and started to punch her and sunk my nails into her cheek, missing her neck. She let out a demonic scream and shoved me so that I flew off her. I caught myself on a tree and waited for her to climb it. She climbed toward me and I let my wolf take over, grabbing her by the hair and flipping her ten feet back on to the ground. She landed on her feet and I jumped on her shoulders, pressing my nails into her chest. She screeched, trying to throw me off.
A hand grabbed my shirt and threw me across the clearing in the forest we had got to. My head smacked against the ground and I shook the pain off.
"I told you not to fucking help!" She screamed like a tyrant.
I looked up to see her stab him with an odd looking stake. Covered in glowing jewels and black metal. A shenaze, I realized. One of the only things beside sunlight to kill a demon. The demon screamed briefly before turning to ash.
I rolled into taller grass and waited for her to come after me.
"London. Come out, you dirty little rogue." She sneered.
She put the stake in a pouch on her hip and I grabbed a large rock that lay next to me. She got close enough that I grabbed her foot and yanked so she fell on her back. I lunges forward and smashed the rock into her head. She was stunned and shrieked. I tipped the pouch from her hip and stood up, taking it out. She stood up quickly, feeling for the pouch until she saw me holding the dagger. She began to shake and her skin began to sizzle, which is when I knew I was about to see a very ugly Demon/she-wolf hybrid.
She was about to run toward me when we all heard growls and snarls from outside the clearing. Three wolves came from one side of the forest. And five more from the other side. I could pick out Mason's but not who the others were. While Giselle was distracted I kicked her to the ground and brought the dagger down but missed as she jerked to the side. The dagger stabbed into the soil and she kicked me away from her. She grabbed the dagger and stood up straight. I kicked at her but she grabbed my ankle and threw me once more. I breathed heavily, looking down at my stomach once. I had not landed on it once.
Giselle saw where I was looking and saw the slight bulge of my stomach. Her eyes blazed an ugly yellow/red and she screamed loud enough that everyone stopped.
"WHORE!" She screamed.
She ran at me and I jumped up and then over Giselle. She turned around, furious and swung the dagger at me. I kicked the dagger out of her hand and kicked hard enough that I sent her flying half the length of the large clearing. I shifted right then and noticed the fight between the wolves and demons was over. The last demon was just going down. Mason turned toward us as Giselle recovered and shifted. We ran at each other and both leaped into the air, just about to collide, teeth at the ready. But suddenly, Giselle collapsed with a large yelp. I landed, unharmed and turned around to see Beatrice had gotten the dagger and in human form, plunged the dagger into Giselle's side. Beatrice looked up as Giselle involuntarily shifted back to human form. I panted, shifting as well as everyone else.
         "Mommy's little girl was avenged. I'm impressed." Giselle cackled, blood coming out her mouth. The poison of the dagger not quite reaching her half demon heart.
         "You killed Denaudie." Beatrice said through clenched teeth.
         "I've killed lots of people." She smirked.
         "She trusted you. She told you about her unborn pup." Bee exclaimed.
          "She has what I wanted. She had Troye, she had his pup. He promised me those things! I slept with him a year ago and he said he would come back and give me those things. He never did. I would have discarded him anyway, I always wanted you, Mason." She sighed, reaching for him.
          I stepped on her wrist and she groaned. She sighed shakily and shook her head.
          "You're weak." She told me.
         "No, Giselle." I shook my head.
          "I'm a Luna. And you're as good as dead." I whispered in her ear.
          Her jaw locked and a tear escaped her eye as she let out her last breath.
          I sighed and looked around at everyone who was here. Mason, Manny, Jason, Lucinda, Stacey, Troye, and another wolf that stood back. My mouth dropped as I saw the three-legged wolf standing sheepishly behind the small crowd of people.
"Iris! Mason, you brought her here???" I exclaimed, standing and running over to her.
She whined as I lifted her large legs and paws, observing her for wounds.
"No, I told her to stay with Aaron and she followed us here. I didn't even realize she was here until the fight was almost over." Mason growled.
"Shift, right now!" I exclaimed.
She whined and did as she was told. She stood shyly and refused to meet my eye.
"What the hell were you thinking! Where is Aaron! Do you know what could have happened to you!" I yelled, afraid as I hugged her tight.
I pulled away, furious, but it turned to confusion as I saw her grinning.
"Mom, it's okay, Aaron is with Aunt Kaitlin. I did it, Mom. I fought like a normal wolf. It was like I wasn't even missing a limb." She sniffled, overjoyed.
"Oh my Goddess. You couldn't have just gone to pack training on a different day?" I groaned, hugging her again.
She laughed and hugged me tight with her arm. I sighed, burying my nose in her shoulder, savoring her scent.
"Let's go home." I told her and everyone shifted.
I took the dagger from the ground where Giselle's ashes lay with my teeth and ran with everyone back to the pack house. Clothes were scattered outside our house and everyone got dressed, except me because I needed new clothes. Everyone sat around the table quietly. Aaron rubbing his sleepy eyes in his jammies as he sat on Kaitlin's lap and Iris snuggled against Mason.
They were all looking at me expectantly and I raised my brow.
"Is there something you want to share with us, dear Luna?" Kaitlin smiled brightly.
I blushed and looked down at my bare feet. I looked at Mason to see a crooked smile on his lips.
"I'm pregnant." I said softly, looking straight at Mason.
The crooked smile changed to a giant grin as he ran and swung me around, hollering excitedly. Everyone hollered and cheered, breaking open Champaign and taking out grape juice and glasses.
Mason looked into my eyes with adoration and I laughed happily.
"Please, don't ever do something like that again." He whispered pleadingly.
I nodded.
"I won't go alone. I'll have you next time." I whispered.
"You'll always have me." He promised.
        "Is it over, Mason? Truly over? No more demons or demon cousins or hybrids?" I asked him.
        "It's all over baby. Demons were near extinct when this happened. They won't come for us ever again." He replied.
I nodded and pressed my lips to his, giggling as everyone called for us to come celebrate.

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