Chapter 16

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    Iris and i had been captured for days. At least three. There was a small window high up on the wall in the basement dungeon, whatever we were stuck in. That window was the only way that I could keep track of the days. Even so, I was starting to lose track with the small amount of food they give us day to day and the amount of times i had been shocked since day one. I wont even attempt to count how many times that has happened.

   I heard the heavy metal door slide against the floor again and looked over at Iris. The chains were having a huge affect on her. She is young so the silver would not only hurt her but make her so weak that all she can do is sleep. I figured that was best to let her sleep unless it was time to eat or if they were dragging us to the bathroom in the corner.

    "And here are my two favorite girls. Despite their dirty dog odor." The tattooed man who always comes in smiled creepily. 

    "Are you starting a collection of mutts, Chase?" The visitor questioned.

    "No No. Not quite. We're looking for the one that ran off a few days ago when we picked these two up. Fast little shit, let me tell you. Skills beyond his years. I've been wondering if there is a way to get him on our side. He could be extremely useful." Chase said thoughtfully.

    I scoffed under my breath. As if my son would ever work with them. He may be young but he is far too smart to fall for tricks.

    I gasped as shocks went through me again. It was only a few seconds but it felt like a solid minute. Chase stepped closer to me and the light hit his face. His friend stepped up next to him as well and they both kneeled to get a better look at me. A movement caught my eye but when i shifted to look around, I saw nothing. I looked back at the two men.

    "Is this the feisty one? The one you were saying gave all the lip?" The friend asked.

    "Oh yes. A soon to be Luna. Or, she would have been anyway. That one over there is from there too, both from the same original pack too." Chase explained. 

    He knew about my home pack. I looked him in the eye once again. It didn't make him nervous, but i wanted him to know i wanted to tear him apart.

    "What do you know about my old pack?" I asked.

    Chase snickered. Another movement and this time i caught it. The snake tattoo on Chase's arm slithered to the other side of his rm before settling back in it's original spot. My eyes zeroed in on the other man's lizard tattoo. I only had to wait a few moments before that tattoo started to move at the same time as the snake tattoo on Chase's arm. I swallowed past my shock and looked at Chase again.

    "You mean what DID i know about your pack? Heard there was a tragic incident about, what, a year and a half ago, Marcus?" Chase turned his head toward Marcus. 

    "Sounds about right." Marcus said, not taking his eyes off of me for a moment. 

     "Stop giving me the run around. How do you know about my home pack and what do you know?" I demanded.

    "Your pack started to get a little too brave with... our kind. Something had to be done about them, sweetness. You understand." He smirked, nodding his head, seeming satisfied with his answer.

    Now i was angry, more than angry. I was livid. Demons. That's what they are. That's what they meant by their kind. Demons killed my pack. I know they're demons from the moment their tattoos moved together. One was a lizard, one was a snake, meaning they're cousins. I narrowed my eyes at the scum kneeling face to face with me. I snarled, my eyes trying to change color. Electricity rolled through me again and i groaned. 

    "Don't get cocky, bitch. I have a fancy little remote for you snarky ass, now. I don't even have to get up to shock the shit out of you." He smirked his stupid smirk. 

    Iris took that time to snort in her sleep, announcing that she was still here.n I swore in my head that they had noticed her. Chase didn't even look but Marcus looked a little too long. I glared. 

    "What about that one?" Marcus asked.

    "SHE is none of your damn buisness." I snapped at him. 

    I was shocked once again. 

    "That one is from the same two packs. We caught her when we caught the other. She was with the smaller one trying to defend the bitch." Chase explained. 

    "I see. A couple of feisty ones here. Makes it hard to decide between them." Marcus said thoughtfully. 

   "Decide on what?" I questioned. 

    I was shocked again as they stood looking at Iris. I recovered and glared at his back.

    "It was just a question, ya know?" I snarled. 

    I sat back against the cold brick wall and listened in on them. Their voices were hushed but with my enhanced hearing, i could definitely still hear every word.

    "So which one are you thinking? I know they could look better and the other is a little young but you could make her look older." Chase explained. 

    "That's all fine and good but I'm thinking the older she wolf would bring more but i need her for a reasonable price with the way she looks now. we need to get some weight off of her. I mean, what are you feeding her?" Marcus asked. 

    Hey, you jerk, I only weigh 160 and my mate loves it. I wanted to shout that at him but I wasn't in the mood to get shocked again.

    "She needs to lose a couple but I think she can get a good buck in with some work. Give me an offer." Chase said.

    "I'll give you $10,000 for her." Marcus offered.

    My eyes widened.

    "$20,000." Chase counter-offered.

    What the hell was going on here???

    "$15,000 or no deal. I know you need whatever money I'll give you after all that debt you put yourself in with the king." Marcus said firmly.

    Chase nodded and they shook hands. Magically, demon money appeared in his hand. Demon money has a skull and crossbones on it and coincidentally it's red. And in case you're curious, the money has the same value as american money. 

    "I have some buisness to take care of and I'll be back in two days. I know you've sketched out on other people for more money and not given the first person's money back. You pull that shit, and I'll have to kill ya. Have a good night baby cousin." He warned before going up the stairs and   leaving. 

    "Why are you doing this? I know it's not just the money. You could have picked up any two she-wolves for whatever it is you do. What's your gain?"

    "My gain is to get rid of all that was and is left of your pathetic home pack. My gain  is to not have to know that any of your original scum are still breathing. And when you leave here and get pranced around a stage in a thong and nothing else, I hope someone buys you for meat instead of sex. Demons like werewolf every once in a blue moon. Speaking of which, you poor mate will never see you put on whatever you do to become Luna on the next blue moon. Poor guy." He chuckled. 

    The door slammed upon his exit and I started breathing heavily as I looked around. No more waiting, Iris and I are getting out of here.

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