Chapter Twenty-One: Nov 1, 2017 - Regina

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The feeling of Emma's arms holding her tightly when she woke up the next morning gave her a newfound sense of delight.

She pressed her hand to her chest, smiling at the way her heartbeat felt against the palm of her hand, then wiggled to rotate so she was face-to-face with a sleeping Emma.

She placed a soft kiss on Emma's forehead and stared at the blonde with a silly grin she hoped would never leave her face.

"You're staring," Emma whispered, her eyes still closed but a soft smile slipping over her.

"Shh. I'm admiring. Go back to sleep." She reached out and brushed Emma's loosely-wound curls out of her face, stroking her hair gently.

Emma opened her eyes, peering over at Regina who was curled against her chest now, a smirk formed on her lips. "It's too early to wake up," Emma groaned and pulled a pillow over her head.

"Hey!" Regina teased, reaching to yank the pillow off but Emma caught her hand and rolled them over until she was pressed flat on top of her with Regina peering up at her with glowing eyes.

Their mouths crashed together again, and Regina gasped, not realizing how much she already missed the sensation of Emma's lips on hers in the short period of time that passed since she last felt them.

Emma relished the feel of Regina's tongue against hers as neither dared to stop for breath.

When Regina finally pulled back, her body enjoying the weight of Emma's on top of her, she peered down at Emma's lips and then back up to meet her eyes, her thick eyelashes fluttering, as she let out a deep sigh of contentment.

Emma kissed her again then rolled over and pulled Regina up onto her chest.

"I'll never get tired of waking up to you," Emma whispered.

"Well, we will see about that, I suppose. What do you plan to tell your parents though?"

Emma cursed inwardly, forgetting to figure out what to do about them and where they would go from here. "I'll just tell them everything. About my magic, about your heart, about how much I love you."

"We can do it together, if you'd like?" Regina suggested, and Emma nodded, smiling.

"I'm going to shower first, then we can tell them over breakfast."

"Great idea, I'll join you," Regina smirked, biting her bottom lip.

Emma laughed, then climbed out of bed and got dressed.


"Good morning, Emma. Regina. How did you both sleep?" Snow asked as they entered the kitchen and David pulled out their chairs.

Both women looked at each other and smirked, nearly reading each other's thoughts.

Snow shot up an eyebrow, realizing they were both mutually laughing about something and noticing that her daughter's skin was flushed with a warm pink glow.

"We slept wonderfully. Actually, there's something we need to tell you," Emma began and Regina placed a supporting hand on the small of her back, which made David smile and shake his head in amusement. He already knew where this was going, but he sat down in his chair and leaned in closer to the table.

"Well, I'm all ears," Snow smiled, her eyes wide and cheeks rosy.

"Where do I begin?" Emma asked, looking at Regina and smiling again then turning back to face her parents. "For starters, mom, dad... I know about my magic."

Snow's eyes shifted, finding comfort in David's eyes who shot her a reassuring look, despite his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"No need to come up with any excuses, I know you both already knew and tried to help me. But I don't need you to do that, although I appreciate it."

Snow twisted in her chair, looking like she was eager to find an escape from this conversation.

David was the first to speak, "We just wanted to protect you, Emma. We didn't know what you were capable of, and you were so young..."

"It's okay, dad. I really do understand. But I'm older now, and I know what I'm capable of."

"And what is that?" Snow asked.

"I can heal things. Like that bluebird? But I can heal other things... people."

Snow's mouth fell open and David let out a breath. "How do you know?"

"Because she healed me," Regina cut in.

Snow and David both glanced at her, swallowing hard.

"She healed you? How?" Snow asked.

"I was born with a heart defect," Regina began. "A sorcerer turned my heart to glass to prevent me from dying when I was sixteen years old. But Emma," she stopped and reached under the table to grab Emma's hand. "Emma healed my heart completely back to normal."

David shook his head, baffled. "Your heart was made of glass?"

Regina nodded, "It was a terrible price to pay, but it meant I could live, so my father did what was necessary. I'm sure you both would have done the same," she reminded them. "But your daughter saved me, and also ridded me of a terrible side effect."

"What kind of side effect?" Snow asked, her tone full of concern for the young woman's health.

"I was unable to love, but I can now." Regina leaned closer to Emma and finally, Snow understood.

David smiled and stood up."I'm so proud of you, sweetie." He kissed Emma's head then smiled at Regina. "My daughter is lucky to have you."

Snow jumped out of her chair, and Regina was certain the woman was about to start cheering or jumping up and down, but instead her eyes went wide, and she was glowing. She reached across the table, grabbing ahold of both of their hands and she smiled. "I'm so happy for both of you," She radiated.

"Thank you, both of you..." Emma smiled at her parents, realizing she was so grateful she had both of them. "Now, here's the part you may not like."

"Oh, let me sit down for this," David joked.

"We were thinking, if Regina and I were a couple, why not unite the northern and southern realms? We could be one unified kingdom and we can all rule, together."

Snow and David exchanged a glance, and neither Regina nor Emma could read their expression for a moment, but when David nodded, and Snow beamed, they knew they approved of the idea.

David placed a hand on his wife's shoulder and looked down to meet her gaze. "All along, we thought the prophecy of two worlds colliding could be a terrible evil. Who would have known it meant our daughter's magic would lead to the two realms becoming one," he chuckled softly and they all smiled.

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