Chapter 31- Her Wolf is Here

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The fading echo of a gunshot filters into the trees. I look up at Danny, my panic mirrored in his expression. "I have to get her to the lodge," I begin.

"Go!" He hollers as his body shifts and his chestnut wolf races into the woods.

Not wasting any more time, I secure Everly in my arms and run. My strides are strong and secure as my legs carry us home. Fogged breaths fill my vision as the lodge comes into view. Racing past the lake and onto the back deck, I jolt back when the back door opens.

Mom rushes towards us, fear written across her face, "Call Doc and CeCe!" I demand as mom ushers me into the warm embrace of the den. I hurry to Everly's room as Charlie clamors through the front door.

"What the hell happened?" his Beta authority pouring into the house. He follows us into Everly's room as mom helps me get towels and blankets as we try to warm Evie up.

"Wolves on the property," I begin as I gently lay Everly onto the towels mom has placed on the floor. "Chased her out onto the ice. Danny and I went for her while the rest of the pack chased them off into the woods," I explain as I carefully remove her coat and boots. "Danny and I had to perform CPR. We got her breathing when we heard a gunshot."

"I need to be with y'all until we find out who the hell is here and we get them strung up by their fucking tails!" he growls.

Mom is gently drying Everly's hair, tears pooling in her eyes. "We," she chokes out, "we need to get her out of these wet clothes and in bed."

Charlie steps out of the room as mom and I quickly and methodically take off the wet garments. Leaving her bra and panties in place, I lift her into my arms and deposit her into bed. As I am tucking the down comforter around Everly's still frame, Doc and CeCe open the door.

"How is she?" CeCe asks as she quickly drops her bag and comes to Everly's side. Lifting one of her wrists to monitor her pulse.

Doc stands at the foot of Everly's bed and takes a deep breath. As he releases it, I catch his eyes shimmer. "Her wolf is here," he states. Moving to the opposite side of the bed, Doc leans forward and places his left thumb on the center of Evie's forehead. Closing his eyes, Doc smiles, "The Creator is ready to claim his element," he mumbles. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I stare at him as his head slowly rotates in my direction and his mysterious eyes capture mine. I feel him pull my wolf closer to the surface and grimace in discomfort. My jaws clench in frustration that anyone would have the ability to call my wolf forward. Other than my Alpha, that power should only reside with my mate. "Your wolf knows," he releases his hold on my inner being and steps around the bed to face me.

"What the hell was that?" I interrogate, "And what do you mean my wolf knows? Knows what?"

"What your mate was created for," CeCe provides. I face her and watch as she lovingly brushes the hair out of Everly's placid face. She leans over and gently kisses her on the forehead. Straightening, CeCe maneuvers away from the bed and to the bag she had dropped on the ground. "And in turn," she continues, "your wolf knows what he was created for."

Running my fingers through my hair, I let out an exasperated breath, "I already know the purpose of the wolf. I know we are meant to protect this land and the sacred springs."

CeCe begins to place items on the dresser. Without turning she says, "That is only part of your purpose, pup."

I step to the foot of the bed and clamp my hands on the iron footboard and grip the cool metal tightly. Swallowing the words that I want to throw at the cryptic medicine woman, I release a heavy sigh.

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