Chapter 29- Beneath the Skin

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Walking back to the lodge, I still feel the heat of Zeke's mouth on mine. Reaching up and touching my seared and swollen lips, I smile at the memory of our kiss.

My first kiss.

Zeke's hand is firmly holding mine as we stroll through the back doors. Noticing that everyone is hastily trying to look busy, I chuckle.

"Did y'all enjoy the show?" I cheekily ask.

I feel the flush of embarrassment rise from my neck to my ears when the group looks at us with knowing stares. Danny strolls over with an impassive expression on his face. Walking into Zeke's space, looking him in the eye, Danny silently challenges him. After a few moments, Danny turns his head and looks at me. Glancing down at our joined hands, he sighs and concedes, "As long as you're happy, sis." His eyes meet mine and he grins, "But if this asshole gets out of line, you let me know," he advised. Turning his attention back to Zeke, he smirks as he threatens, "I'll kick his ass for you."

The two adult-children begin to pester one another as I feel my pocket vibrate. Walking into the kitchen, I pull out my cell and open a message from Thea. She created a group text for the girls and I have been enjoying the banter between all of us.

Thea: WE need a girls day! ASAP

Caylin: Agreed!!!

Bel: A whole day? I already see you bitches too much as it is...

Thea: Shut it, SISTER! We know you love us.

Thea: So...ideas????

Caylin: Movies?

Thea: Blah. Let's do something outdoors. Hike?

Bel: HARD PASS. It's gonna be below freezing starting tonight.

Caylin: Shopping?

Bel: It's like you don't know me at all...

Thea: EVERLY??

Caylin: I think she may be busy with Mr. McMuscle

Bel: Sooooooooooo jealous

Thea: you're not

Caylin: agreed!!!

Bel:I hate you both

Seri: They have a point

Bel: Seri!!!!

Chuckling, I catch up on the conversation I missed and send a text.

Me: We could meet up for lunch at the diner

Caylin: There she is!

Thea: Yay! You're back.

Bel: Tell Zeke I said HOTTIE ALERT!!!

Knowing that Bel is not only teasing me but denying what we all know to be true, I decide to dish it right back at her.

Me: That's not how you spell his name. It's M-A-S-O-N. I can see how that could be confusing though.

"Good Lord. Who are you texting over there? Your phone sounds like its having a seizure or something," Bev teases.

Laughing, I lift my gaze from my phone and reply, "Just the girls. We're trying to figure out something we can do together that isn't outside and doesn't require us to sit still and be quiet."

Contemplating our dilemma, Bev suggests, "There's a place that just opened near Basin Spring Park called Cross My Art. You girls can drink wine and paint a canvas. They help you choose a design and everything."

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