The Cop

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Chapter 7 -

Hannah's POV

I just sat there. Holding Jordan trying my best to comfort her. I listened to her whistled cry and a few occasional sniffs. After about what felt like forever she looked up wiping her tears away.

"What's your story?" Jordan asked, her voice crackling at the end.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"What happened in your dream?" She said now lifting up off of me.

"Oh right." I began speaking. I closed my eyes and thought of the first dream I had that involved my family.

"So last year around the first week I got here, I had a dream that felt like I was home again. My mom was prepping for dinner. She asked me to help her out with cutting up the veggies so that's what I did. My dad had just got in from work when we were setting up the table. Of course Milo was excited. He was hoping around, swinging his tail back and forth. It was only that particular time Milo was so hyped. I mean he was eating his same everyday food so it couldn't have been that. Anyway, we sat and ate until my dad called for thirds. When he said that, we knew it was time to clean up. I remember getting ready for bed and being on my phone. I was on the phone with my best friend, Liz. We were talking about how she missed her ex which is our usual conversation. I know that really isn't healthy but talking about him makes her happy somehow someway. Although it gets really annoying sometimes, I do miss it and I miss her. When we got off the phone, Milo hopped on my bed and I started to doze to sleep. Next thing I know, I opened my eyes and I was inside this very same room." I finished off my last sentence which sounded rushed.

Jordan's POV

"Wow that must've been rough. My parents weren't even in my dreams." I stood up off the bed and walked over to the wall where Hannah made her calendar.

"What are you doing" Hannah said raising a brow.

"I wanna write my name on the wall. So whoever else comes in here knows that I, Jordan Ransoms, was once here whether I survive or not." I spoke out without a care in the world. Almost like this was normal which it totally wasn't.

"I've never thought of that. I don't want anyone to know that I was here its embarrassing. Being all over milk cartons and on the news." Hannah said pulling her knees into her chest.

"Well I want everyone to know. I want this Eddy character to be put away forever! He deserves it. Who do he think he is? Just taking innocent teens. Locking us in a room. For what? What is this? A social experiment? Like what the hell." I said which so much anger and aggression in my voice.

"I understand you on that part. I'm losing myself. I've been locked in this room so long I start to no care about anything. I just start to except things for what they are. You've been here 2 days. I've been through that stage. I know what your going through. We're here together remember?" Hannah said in a strangely calm voice.

"Well I don't know about you, but I don't plan on excepting this. I will make it my duty to get out of here to see my family and friends again whether you're coming with me or not." I said with so much determination in my voice.

"I've tried it before. Eddy has this weird boobytrap type of theme." Hannah said.

"What do you mean?" I said now very confused as the door began opening.

"Hey uh, Eddy ordered me to drop these clothes off for you guys so y'all can shower." Elijah said sounding like his voice was cracking.

"Thank you but what's wrong?" Hannah said worriedly.

"Nothing, just take your clothes." Elijah said tossing the clothes on the floor and slamming the door.

"What was that about?" I asked Hannah.

"I'm not sure but I did see a bruise on his cheek. Maybe Eddy hit him." Hannah said making it seem like his behavior was totally normal.

"Oh okay" is all I said.

"Well I'm going to go hop in the shower. Okay?" Hannah said.

"Okay." I replied.

As Hannah walked out the room a smirk grew on my face. This was the perfect time to do so. Hannah's in the shower. Elijah's upset and staying away from us. And for Eddy, who knows what he's doing but who cares? I'm gonna find my way out of here! Oops maybe I should stay quiet. I slipped on my shoes and began creeping out the door. As I stepped into the hallway, I heard the shower water. That's a good sign. I made a few turns until I got to the top of the staircase. I've never seen this part of hell so I wasn't sure what to expect. I creeped down the stairs as lightly as possible. I didn't see anyone. I saw a couch and a tv. As I'm making my way towards the front door, I spotted about 15 camera screens stacked up on a desk with a chair placed in the middle. I gasped. He was watching us the whole time. But why so many cameras? There's only like 3 rooms upstairs. Uh oh. That must mean there's more people here. The thought of that scared me so I hurried over to the door and proceeded to open it. It was unlocked. What kind of kidnapper leaves their house open knowing they've abducted? The bright sun beamed into my eyes as I stepped outside. Closing the door behind me, I ran down the block as fast as I could until I saw anyone. There was no one. The neighborhood was so quiet. I kept running and running and running. My chest started to burn and my heart pumped faster than ever feeling like a rocket taking off in my chest. I slowed down when I saw a cop leaning against his cop car.

"Sir! Sir!" I yelled trying to get his attention as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Hello! Mr.Officer!? I've been kidnapped two days and this man put me in a room with this other girl. Her name is Hann-" I stopped in shock when the officer turned around to face me. It was Eddy! When did he? How did he? Why did he? He grabbed my arm and pushed me into the cop car and started driving back to the house.

"Ha ha, did you really think i'm that stupid? You have no idea what I have in stored for your punishment." Eddy said looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Please no! It won't ever happen again I promise!" I said with tears filling in my eyes.

"Of course it won't, I'll make sure of it." A smile formed on his face as he parked the car.

He roughly pushed me into the house and followed behind me as he took me back to the room. When I walked in, Hannah was sitting on the bed with a worried look.

"Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did!?" Hannah said standing up off the bed.

"Yes, I tried to run away." I said putting my head down.

"Well, Hannah maybe you should give her a heads up of what's going to happen to her now." Eddy said walking out of the room.

"Wait what will happen?" I asked Hannah.

"I'd rather not tell you. I told you not to escape. Eddy is really cruel and likes hurting people." She said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

She lifted up her shirt to show me her back. It had lots of dents and bruises. "You see? Now it's your turn." Hannah said.

I stood there in disbelief.

AUTHORS NOTE // Heyyy Guysss <3! I know I've been gone for a while but I had lost my phone and had to get another one. I hoped Y'all enjoyed the chapter because I enjoyed writing it lol. What will happen next? Why is Elijah upset? Is Eddy going to cut Jordan some slack? Keep reading to find out ! Don't forget to Vote and and leave some comments. I want to see what you guys think.
Ps: I'm trying to make longer chapters lol this is my longest one so far. **I apologize for any misspelling. I didn't proof read I just wanted to hurry and upload for y'all.**
Word count : 1452
XOXO - Ro ❤️

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