31 | it all comes out

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HEAVY CLOUDS HUNG in the sky, shadowing the fields that characterised the outskirts of town. They stretched for miles, gently rolling hills that contrasted the sharp rock of the valley. The surface of the lake rippled in the breeze, the wind brushing over the snowy grass with a chill that was several degrees below the number on the temperature gauge. The dark clouds threatened rain, sinking lower as thunder rumbled in the distance.

The carer at the desk hadn't even looked up when Adele had hurriedly signed out the names she had invented, Caleb and Ainslie sticking close to her side as they had left. For a few minutes, not a word was said as they fought the biting cold that hit them square in the jaw, a sharp wind whipping their cheeks as they battled the weather to make it to the car. When Ainslie had skidded on the icy path, Caleb had caught her, grabbing her before she could crash to the gravel.

"Ok," Ainslie said, the first one to speak. "We have a lot to think about."

"I don't even know what to think," Adele said.

"I'm still not very sure what she said," Caleb added from the back seat. "I do know I'm hungry though."

Adele glanced at the signpost, following her nose back towards Penlark. "We'll get food," she said. "And we need to try to figure this out because I'm more confused now."

"There's a McDonald's down the road," Ainslie said, checking her phone's navigation. "One point three miles away. If you don't mind?"

"I don't mind."

"I've got money," she said, taking her purse out of the zipped pocket of her coat, but Adele shook her head.

"So have I," she said. "Put that away, Ains."

"No. You pay for everything and anyway, Mum gave it to me and told you to treat you to a meal." She zipped up her pocket again.

"You haven't told her about Caleb, have you?" Adele asked with a wary glance. "We really need for her not to be suspicious."

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