82. Redemption

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My book won 2nd place in the purple apple awards! Yay! This is all because of your love! Thank you so much❤❤❤

Elisa's P.O.V

"Wait! I need to say something to him." I said to John as I went back to Alec.

I clutched his face in my hands, "You're not at all alone Alec, I'll always be with you. You're never gonna be alone. Ever! Okay? Please believe me when I say this." I whispered. I can't see the hopeless Alec, I can't see the pain in his eyes. When I look at his pain, it crushes me.

"I will believe you littleone. Now go and come back to me as soon as possible." He said as he engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I love you so much." He said as he kissed  me deeply.

"I love you too. More than anything in this world." I said as his lips lingered on mine.

Finally I pulled back and went to John. He took my hand and we carried on.

"Where are we going?" I asked. The road he was taking me through seemed so familiar.

"You'll know soon." He said.

Just then two high inticrate designed gates came into my view and I gasped.

"We're going meet Mom and Dad? After so many years!" I exclaimed as tears filled my eyes.

"I know. You were so small last time when we visited them." He said as we increased our pace.

We entered and there they lay, two gravestones side by side, leaves sprawled over them.

I went forward and knelt down as again tears leaked from my eyes and I cleaned the dry leaves, "Hi mom, Hi Dad. It's been so long. I'm so sorry for not coming to visit you. Everything in my life has taken such a twisting turn." I said as I made myself comfortable.

John sat down beside me as well, "I know you both must be hating me for what I did to our princess. I'm so sorry for that Jade, I'll never forgive myself. I know that you've forgiven me long ago but I only deserve your hatred." He said as a few drops of tears fell down from his eyes as well.

I've never seen my brother cry, "No! You must forgive yourself. You are gonna find redemption and you're also gonna have happily ever after." I said as I laid my hand on his shoulder.

He laughed humorlessly, "Redemption is such a foreign word for me. I'm not one of those lucky creatures who will get it. I'm bound to suffer. First I took you away from your parents and then I tortured you like a bastard. Tell me what is the difference between me and that Gil-f**king-fred? I'm no good than him." He yelled and I gasped.

"You idiot! Don't you ever compare yourself to that bastard! You're nothing like him. You're my big brother that cares for me and has made some mistakes in his life. You're the brother who loves his sister and will do anything for her. And I know that you did take me away from my parents but think about it, if it wasn't for you taking me away, then I wouldn't have met the love of my life. So stop blaming yourself." I yelled at him trying to knock some sense in him.

"Oh believe me my dear sister, you and Alec would have met even if I hadn't brought you down to the earth. You both are a couple made by 3 fates themselves. You would've met anyway or anytime regardless whatever be the situation because you two are made for each other." He said as he stroked my head gently.

"And just like us, you will also have a story that everyone will wish they have too. You will have a love story far more greater and beautiful than us. One day you'll fall for someone as well brother and that also hard and deep." I said confidently.

He looked hopeless like Alec as well, "Who would ever fall in love with a demon like me? Love and me are the 2 parallels that'll never meet."

"Of course those parallels will meet, we just need to do some bending here and there. But I do know that there is someone made specially for you and only you." I said smiling at him. I know that he'll find her.

"I won't. Our love story will sink like a rock in sea. Straight away downwards." He said and I sighed.

"No! Your love story will float and glide along the vast endless ocean like a boat which will never sink because your love story will be full of redemption. And believe me brother, everyone travels the path of redemption, unknowingly or knowingly is our option for choosing but we all are on that path. So stop saying  that you won't get redemption because you will." I said sternly pointing my forefinger at him.

"How do you know that I will?" He asked.

"Because I'm saying so and I'm never wrong." I said and then laughed when he put his hands up in surrender.

"You're so stubborn." He said.

"I know I am." I said flipping my hair back.

"I feel sorry for Alec sometimes." He said and I punched his shoulder.

He began laughing and I punched him even more. This was what our childhood looked like. Full of laughter and I could feel that my mom and dad are happy as well. Wherever they are, they're happy. Even Martha.

And I also know that we'll all meet them again.

"It's getting late. We should go." John said.

There were wilted lilacs on my parent's graves. I took them in my hand and healed them with my powers.

They all glowed golden from within and  then came back to life as they once must  be. I laid them back down and got up.

My mother loved lilacs. My father always used to bring her a bunch every few days and everytime her eyes used to shine looking at them. I loved to watch their love and now I've got my own love of life.

I took my brother's hand as I said goodbye to them. I also promised to visit them more often. They had the love story I had always wished for and now I've got it. I vow to treasure it forever and evermore.

Alec's P.O.V

I called him, "Hello my dear Alec. I'm surprised by this phone call."

"Let's end this the way it started. Let's end this 600 year war where it all began." I hissed.

"Ah Alec! I would love to get my revenge and yes, I'm rather bored now. What do you say about tonight?" He asked in a slow tone.

I fisted my hand, "We'll meet in those woods where I so lovingly killed your b**ch. Oh! How I wish to kill her again, to suck her dry and then remove her black heart from her chest. I must say she was a good kisser." I blanched as I said that.

I knew that he must be vibrating with anger, "Get ready to die you son of a b**ch. This war ends now, tonight." He yelled in anger.

I smirked, "May the best man win." I said as I ended the call.

Tonight this all ends, I'll avenge my mother, my mate and Martha. It is high time to put an end to him.

Tonight only one of us will survive and I already know who it is.

I love you Elisa but I can't afford to lose you as well. I'd die before seeing you hurt again.


Hello sugarcakes!

How are you all?

Was it good enough? Ooo the end is near.

Get ready for the battle.

I love you all.

Until then hugs and see ya.

Running Scared जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें