37. Priceless

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Alec's P.O.V

I carried her up to my room and took her in the bathroom, I sat down on the edge of tub with her on my lap and removed first aid box from the cabinet.

I took a wash cloth and wiped off the blood on her neck that was rapidly soaking my shirt. She's losing way too much blood.

"ADAM!" I yelled out and he came in the bathroom within seconds.

I didn't need to tell him what to do. He bit his wrist and poured few drops of blood on her neck. The blood flow stopped  immediately and I sighed in relief.

That son of a bitch is so dead now.

But what the hell are these two? How do they have powers even a vampire can't possess unless he's a really strong and old one like me or Jack.

"Adam find out about her parents. I want every minute detail you can uncover about them." I said and he nodded his head.

"Alec why did you not give her your blood?" He asked me and I glared at him.

"Are you seriously asking me this question?" I hissed at him but he was unaffected by my glare and mood.

"No Alec, I don't understand why you won't give her your blood. Please enlighten me." He said and I really wanted to punch him now.

"You know exactly why I don't, you know that I reject her as my mate and you're asking me why I don't blood bound her to me?" I yelled at him.

He was getting angry now, "And why the fuck are you rejecting someone as beautiful as her? You think I don't see you stealing glances at her? You think you can hide your jealousy when I talk to her? News flash Alec, everytime you look at her, your eyes show your feelings. Let go of your ego Alec, you can never find one as beautiful and pure hearted as her." He said anger leaving his eyes replaced by sadness.

"I will never accept her. You know how much I despise humans--"

"She was not the one who fucking wrong you. Just because of one person, you can't hold grudge on someone as innocent as her. And she is not even wholly human Alec and I perfectly know why you reject her." He said sneering at me.

"Yeah really? Please do tell me." I mocked him.

"You're scared that you will fall in love with her. You're scared that the thing you despise the most is the thing she will make you fall for it." He said.

I went and laid Elisa on her bed and rushed in bathroom, stabbing my hand in Adam's chest and seizing the hold of his dead heart.

His expression never changed but his eyes reflected pain and his breaths came in short pants.

"I told you to never talk about love with me. I fucking told you." I said while trying to calm myself down.

"Go ahead Alec. Kill me but you will regret losing Elisa. Just remember my words. Why do you act like you're evil? I know you're aren't. Why? Just tell me, if I'm not around and Elisa is gravely wounded to the point where she could die, then also you won't give her your blood?" He said panting.

"Wanna know something Adam? I am the most horrible monster ever and yes, I'll let her die but I'll never give her my blood making her bound to me. SHE IS NOT MY ANYTHING. I'll only get her virginity and her blood and then she's off to wherever the fuck she wants to go." I said pulling my hand out of his chest.

I can't kill him. He was there for me when no one even wanted to look at me.

"You're making a grave mistake Alec, you only know someone's value when you lose them and you'll see that. Don't let that happen Alec. She's priceless." He said.

Running Scared Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora