Chapter Eleven

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Its six thirty I should leave now, if I'm going to meet with Andrew now's my chance. I write a note to Zander, saying how I've gone for a run and not to worry before I go out the front and shift.

'Maia you get us there please, I can't'

'Of course', and with that Maia took us to the south border where Andrew was already waiting. After growling at him and showing my dominance I went and shifted tugging on a shirt that went to my knees, darn these bulky men.

"You've grown up", he stated before walking up to me arms open. I took a step back and placed my arm in front of me, telling him to stop.

"How are you my farther? My mum would never betray my farther." I asked, he promised answer so I was getting answers.

"I was looking after your mother, and she went under her heat. The Alpha was away at the time and she had taken painkillers that put her to sleep. I just couldn't resist her smell. Your mother never knew." He said this with such an sinister smile it made me sick.

"You raped her!!" My farther was a rapist. A sick person.

"She enjoyed it, she loved me before that impostor pretending to be your farther came along and claimed her, we were going to be mates before him." He growled when he mentioned my farther, we'll not even my farther but he was to me.

"How could she enjoy it, she was unconscious!, you are not my farther your nothing but a sperm donor, Jerimah he is my real further it doesn't matter about blood!" I screamed at him.

"I thought knowing this you would join but it seems not, that MATE of yours has to put to many things in your head. Don't worry I'll help you!" He truly was sick, he believed that what he was doing was right, I went to tell him no but he was already gone.

'Maia, where did he go?'

'I don't know I can't smell him anymore he must have covered up his sent somehow.'

'We should back.' We were probably half way home when we ran into a familiar Black Wolf.

'Zander?' I asked curious, I mean I know I wanted to get back to him but I didn't expect to run into him. 'Clara, thank goddess you're okay, I could feel that you were afraid and I came to get you.' He then shifted back as I did to. He went to in gulf me in a hug but stopped when he smelled me.

"What where you doing out here?" I could tell he was trying not to get mad and I appreciated that, but I didn't know if when he learned the truth he would be able to keep his cool as easily.

"Andrew... I was meeting with Andrew." I was quitter than a mouse, but he still heard me.

"What!" he roared out. "You met with Andrew, are you being serious right now. Clara you could have hurt yourself, Clara what were you thinking. If you died not only would this pack be missing a Luna but and Alpha as well Clara. There is no way I would be able to live without you. Why, Clara... why did you go." We both had silent tears running down our face now.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Zander. He told me something, something I could only confirm face to face." I couldn't look at him.

"Was it worth it, was this little thing you needed to know worth risking your life?" He was still angry.

"He's my farther Zander, he's my damm farther." There was minute of silence before he finally spoke again.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my cool, I'm so sorry and I'm sorry you had to find that out alone." He then walked forward and embraced me in a hug. When I felt his arms hold me I broke. I finally let all the feelings out, the hate, the anger, the lost, the sadness I let everything out and he just held me in his arms. Finally when I calmed down, I lifted me head and looked up at him that was when I realized how I really felt about him.

I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek. Before I pulled him down and kissed him, there was so much passion.

"I love you, Clara I really do." I pulled back and looked at Zanders face, he just told me he loved me. I pulled his lips back to mine before telling him 'I loved him back'.

"Mark me"

"What?" Zander said putting his lips back on mine after he asked the question.

"I said Zander mark me." I pulled away before giving him a mischievous grin as he processed what I said. When he finally worked out what I said he had a massive grin littering his face. He then continued to kiss me leaving my lips and heading down my neck to where he would mark. He finally reached the spot and began sucking on it, massaging it reading it for what he was about to do.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I then felt his tenth sink into my neck, I whimpered as it began to hurt first, but quickly the pain turned to pleasure as the screamed turned to a moan.

"I love you so much." We both said at the same time which caused us to both burst out laughing before I kissed Zander and then moved slowly down his jawline and neck before finding the crook between his neck and shoulder. I then slowly extended my fangs into his neck placing my mark on Zander. He moaned when I pulled my fangs out. We were regaining our breath when we heard footsteps heading towards us.

From behind us a wolf came and shifted back to his human form, he was a part of our pack that much I knew. He had been looking at us when I realized we were naked, Zander obviously realized that to as he growled at the boy to avert his eyes, before standing in front of me.

"What is it?" Zander asked as he could sense the boys fear.

"Their here, Alpha. The Grienfield pack is here."


So the fights coming up, who do you guys think is going to win, what do you guys think is going to happen. I'm gonna leave my authors note short as it is late and I'm tired.

Love y'all

Rugrat Out ✌️

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