Chapter Fourteen

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   With those two little words, my whole world changes. All of my suspicions are confirmed. I've waited so long for this moment. The moment when I could get answers. I'm not sure what I feel. Happy? Relieved? Angry? Pissed? Heartbroken? Sad? Regretful? I can't place my emotions. I've thought about this so many times, imagined how I would feel, but now that the moment is here, I'm not sure how I feel.

   "Baby, is everything okay?" Kale's voice brings me out of my thoughts. He noticeably tenses when he realizes that this is a full grown fallen angel that looks a lot like me.

   "I'm Amarie, Emilee's mother. You must be Kale?" the woman, my biological mother, says. Kale nods, eyeing her as if assessing the threat.

   "Momma, can I play now?" Ty's little voice asks from behind me. I look down and see him, and Lynnie along with Damien holding Mickey and Mackie standing next to them.

   "Sure. Be careful," I instruct, taking Mickey from Damien as the older kids run off to play. Mickey stares at Amarie and the other two children, her big green eyes even wider.

   "Carter, Lily, play nice okay?" Amarie instructs the two little blonde children.

   "Of course! They're gonna be our best friends forever!" Lily squeals.

   "Lily, stop spoiling the future," Amarie scolds. Although she's scolding, she has a loving smile on her face. I can't help but be jealous that I never got that smile growing up. 

   "Mama! Ook!" Mickey cries as she slides down the slide with Kale behind her, making sure she's safe.

   "Wow baby, that's very impressive!" I reply, smiling at my baby. Amarie is watching the exchange between me and my little girl with rapt attention.

   "You're a good mother, Emilee," Amarie tells me, a far off look in her eyes. "I've been watching you from afar for years."

   "It's easy to be a good mother when you have kids as amazing as mine," I respond.

   "I'm sure. I'm sorry about your childhood. I thought they would take good care of you. I didn't know what went on until you ran away. I looked everywhere and couldn't find you. So I came back here. A few months later, you showed up," Amarie informs me. I don't know what to say, so I just nod my head. I mean, what do you say when the mother you never knew apologizes for you having a shitty childhood? There's not really a book on what to do when you meet your mother for the first time and you're a mother of seven yourself and she has adopted kids or something too and gah, I'm rambling! See, this is exactly why I don't like to think too hard.

   "Calm down, biatch!"

   "Impossible, Ang!" I reply in my head. I can see her rolling her eyes in the back of my head.

   "Babe, it's fine. She loves you. She thought she was doing what was best for you. Just give her a chance. The kids deserve to have their grandmother and look at how she interacts with Carter and Lily, she loves kids and it's totally obvious," Angel says, being serious for once.



   "Baby, you okay?" Kale asks, bringing me out of my conversation with Angelique.

   "Just thinking," I tell him. He kisses my lips and settles on the log beside me, pulling me into his lap and place a now sleeping Mickey in my arms. She makes a soft sighing noise in her sleep and my heart melts. My arms always feel full when I have a child in them. I can't imagine not having children anymore. All I want is the best for them and I guess that's what Amarie wanted for me. Maybe I should give her a chance. After all, she only wanted what was best for me.

(A/N So sorry it took sooooo long to get this up but it was end of quarter and my parents are totally pissed about my grades and then we went to Montana for the beginning of spring break. I'm back now though and i'll try to update more often. Thank you all for commenting and voting! I appreciate all the wonderful feedback you give me! Keep on Fanning, Voting, and Commenting, my lovelies! Love you all! XOXOXOXO ---Anya :D)

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