Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N So I've been having writers block with this book lately so updates haven't been very frequent. The more comments and votes I get, the more inspired i am to write since i know people really care. I'll try to update more but i can't make any promises. VOTE/COMMENT/FAN!)




   I know she's been looking for me, but I'm scared of her reaction. Every time I think I'm ready to meet her, I panic. I'm scared that she'll hate me for leaving her. That she'll refuse to ever see or speak to me again. But all I want is to know my baby girl and her mate and their beautiful children. I know she has seven now even though she's only twenty-three. I also know that all of them are strong with so much alpha blood. They're the generation that was predicted in the third prophecy. Yes, third. I don't know much about it, only that they will be even more powerful than their mother and will have to somehow unite all the mythical beings. I'm not sure how that will happen. All I know is that a war is coming. A war between the dark fallen, and the wolves.

   The dark fallen are most of the fallen angels. They are angels that fell for major crimes. Crimes like intentional murder, plotting against the angels, trying to take over, rape, violent theft, etc. These angels fell for a reason and are about 75% of the Fallen Angel population. The other 25% fell for small reasons. Reasons like falling in love with a mortal, intervening in human life, non-violent theft, fighting with humans, etc. We are the light fallen angels. The dark are the ones that are bad. They're the reason for the binding. The reason wolves hate us so much. It's often hard to tell if a fallen angel is dark or light, so the wolves just avoid all of us. Sucks for those of us who are good.


   I spot a little boy walking in the forest. He looks to be about ten. Upon closer inspection, I recognize his wavy blonde hair and big, expressive blue eyes. This is the little boy I saved. The boy who survived because of me, but fell. I guess he didn't survive long after, since he only made it to about ten.

   "Carter, where you go?" a little girl calls out before running into my line of sight. He turns and smiles at a smaller girl around six. She has blonde curls that fall down her back and bounce when she runs and beautiful golden eyes.

   "I'm right here, Lily," Carter, the boy, calls back.

   "Don't do that!" Lily scolds, sticking her small hands on her hips. She's a beautiful little girl, a fallen angel and Carter appears to be one too.

   "I know you're there, Amarie," Carter calls out. Sheepishly, I step out from my hiding spot behind the tree.

   "Carter, how did you die?" I ask.

   "A fire. The house burned down. No one survived. We fell when we tried to save some people from getting killed in a car crash that Lily predicted a few years ago," Carter says. I assume that Lily is his little sister.

   "Yeah, I'm his sister," Lily says as if she can read my mind.

   "Lily can see the future and read minds," Carter says. I gasp. That's the rarest power for a Fallen Angel to possess. Only one out of every ten thousand angels has it and only one out of ever hundred-thousand fallen angel has it.

   "Lily, do you know how rare that is? You need to be very careful. Dark angels try to find others with that power and kill them so they can get it. You need to make sure no one finds out," I inform her. Lily's eyes widen and she just nods her head, her curls bobbing everywhere. "Now, why are you wandering alone? Most fallen angel children get taken in by an adult fallen."

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