Chapter 15: A Brother's Accomplice

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When he saw me frowning, Justin let out a long moan. "Dad told me this would happen," he grumbled. "I heard that your father works as a pastor," I said. "If you're asking me if you want to talk to him," Justin moaned. "The answer is no."

I rolled my eyes at this. "That's not surprising," I thought. "Wallace is a good kid," Justin said. "I just don't understand how it all lead to this." He scratched his black hair furiously and shook his head.

For an instant, I felt sorry for him. "Where were you when the whole chaos happened?" I asked. "I was tagging alongside Wallace to the arcade," Justin reminisced. "Dad was too busy working at the church, so he left me in charge of the money."

"We were playing Pac-Man until Wallace saw a gun outside of the arcade. When he told me, I told him to stay away from it while I go and call the cops. But as soon as I picked up my phone, the gun disappeared."

I swept the bangs away from my eyes. It must be the day when the guy in a school hoodie came and took the gun. But the question is, who is he? Did he use the gun on my grandfather?

"Thank you for your cooperation," I beamed. But just when I was about to go, Justin said something that made my confidence wear away. "The cops convinced  me and Dad that my little brother is going to move to a maximum security prison."

I swallowed hard then blinked at him. "Wallace is prison?" I asked softly. The sad look on his face made me throw up. "Who gave the orders?" I asked. "Chief Rodgers," he sighed. My eyes grew wide with anger.

"As in, Xavier Rodgers?" I asked. "The Harlem Police Chief?" Justin bobbed his head then scowled. "A real jerk, that's what he is." he snarled. "The day that Principal Porter was shot, Chief Rodgers arrested Wallace for no reason!"

I sucked my cheeks then let out a sigh. "I am starting to think that Chief Rodgers had something to do with it." Justin continued. "How could you be so sure?" I asked. "I know he doesn't seem to be the good cop type, but what-"

All of a sudden, the sound of a loud bell interrupted me. Justin's brown eyes widened as kids were rushing into their classrooms. Quickly, he dashed towards his locker, fetched his things, and scampered over to his classmates.

Well, see you around. I thought glumly. Slowly, I walked out of the school and waited for Uncle Seth. While I was waiting, I began sketching my ideas for my History project. Using the drawing app, I traced the blue pen across the white blank page.

On the corner of the page, I drew a picture of an old man in his thinking pose, closing his eyes. Next to him are three big thinking clouds. While doodling, I heard a loud honk.

I looked up from my work, expecting Uncle Seth is finally here, but my joy faded when I saw a skinny cop vehicle. Xavier and his cop friend got out of the car then inspected the school building.

As soon as Xavier saw me, he gave me a sly grin. Quietly, I marched downstairs and hurried away from the cops until something grabbed me. I turned to see Xavier, tightening my arm.

A shocked look appeared on his face. "I  know you," he said. "You're Cleo Hamilton." I shook my head furiously. I need to think of something, quick! "You must be talking about my twin sister," I lied. Unconvinced, Xavier scratched his mustache with his fingers.

"You have a twin sister?" he snorted. "That's the worst lie I have ever heard." I gave him a pleading look. "It is," I said as a matter of fact. "My name is Penny Hamilton and I am here to do an interview about Principal Porter's death."

Xavier was going to open his mouth to say something, but then his cop friend interrupted his train of thought. He disappeared into the school and came back with Justin Gerald in handcuffs.

"You caught him?" Xavier asked. The man with police uniform, buzzcut hair, and green eyes then nodded. Justin's eyes panicked at the sight of the silver chains, grasping on his wrists then glared at the officer. "What the heck is going on?" he roared.

"I didn't do anything!" Xavier walked up to Justin then stared down at him. "What did he do, exactly?" I asked with my hands on my hips. Xavier turned his head away from Justin then gazed at me.

"This is none of your concern," he replied coldly. "Shouldn't you be going somewhere or do something?" I crossed my arms, refusing to move. "And shouldn't you be figuring out why a gun is on the sidewalk, and you just so happened to ignore it?"

His cop friend snickered at my response, earning a glare from Xavier. "Shut up," he muttered. He turned back to Justin and dragged him by the arm.

"Justin Gerald, you are under arrest for being an accomplice for Wallace Gerald," Xavier announced. "Anything you say, can be and will be used against you."

Although Justin held his tongue, I could see the furious look on his face. I watched as the cops marched down the steps, shoved him into the car, and drove off. After the incident, Grandma's red Volvo showed up on the parking lot.

Sitting in the driver seat is Uncle Seth, waving and smiling at me. But somehow, my heart wasn't in the mood for positivity. Immediately, I trudged downstairs, got into the front passenger seat, and closed the door behind me.

Seeing my depressed state, Uncle Seth let out a sigh. "Did Xavier get to you?" he guessed. I looked at him in an unsurprised way. "You saw Xavier driving the cop car?" I guessed.

He nodded then ruffled my hair. "Sorry that jerk is getting to you," he sighed. I told him that he didn't have to apologize. Meanwhile, I told him every detail about what I had witnessed.

As soon as I was finished, Uncle Seth reached into something in his coat pocket and handed a brown file that has Wallace's name in black ink.

"Cool!" I squealed, taking the file. "Thanks!" He gave me a smile then started the car.

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