Chapter 27

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Amelia's pov.

I woke up half expecting to lay beside Ivan but rolling over, I feel nothing. Confused, I sit up and pull the covers over my naked body while making my way to the living room. I walk in to see Ivan full dressed and talking fiercely on the phone. Giving him privacy, I slowly walk back to his room and gather the remains of my clothes thrown around his room. I walk into his closet and grab one of Ivan's button-ups while entering the bathroom.

Hopping into the shower, I relax my sore muscles under the scorching hot water. Flashbacks of the previous night cause my insides to flutter and I smile slightly dazed. After quickly washing myself, I get out and dry myself before putting on a pair of black undergarments. I grab the button-up and wrap it around my body turning it into a dress while mentally thanking Sierra for showing me how.

"Having a designer as a best friend sure comes in handy" I whisper to myself while finger detangling my hair. I take a moment to glance in the mirror admiring the girl staring back at me. The happiness radiating from her eyes made her entire body glow.

Walking back into Ivan's room, I slip on my heels from last night and grab a blazer to throw over my make shift dress before walking back to Ivan hoping he was finished with the call. I'm greeted with him at the kitchen counter typing adamantly on his phone only putting it down once he notices my presence.

"Morning babes" I greet him with a smile and watch his expression soften as he takes in my appearance.

"Morning mia cara, I was thinking we could go out for brunch later on if that's good with you" he asks with a smile.

"I can't, I-I'm meeting up with a friend for lunch" I reply dismissively, looking anywhere but directly at him.

"What friend" he pushes curiously getting up to approach me. He stops directly in front of me and I take a step back trying to gather my thoughts.

"You don't know her but she went to school with me" I answer, not sound nearly as convincing as I had hoped.

"Ok, well lets get going then" he responds not convinced but decides not to pester further. I quickly grab an apple while follow him out the door and into the awaiting limo quietly. I slide in beside him and lean my head against the cool window feeling guilty about lying to him.

We arrive at Stone Industries moments later and walk into the lobby together. My eyes drift across the room and land on Connor who shoots me a smile. I smile back and wink at him making a note to pester him about Sierra later on. I look back to see Ivan already stepping into the elevator and run to catch up to him. I step in slightly winded and give him a slight glare to which he smirks.

"Thanks for waiting Mr. Stone" I tell him while brushing my hair away from my face. Before I know it, I'm pulled into his body and I let out a squeal in surprise.

"Did I tell you how unbelievably enticing you look in my clothes" he asks huskily, gliding his hands towards my bottom.

"More then you" I flirt back, leaning into his body.

"Way more than me" he whispers into my ear leaning a feather like kiss on my neck. I bite my lips to suppress the gasp itching to come out and instead step out of his hold, much to his dismay. I adjust myself and stick my tongue out at him teasingly causing him to chuckle.

"Don't stick your tongue out again if you know what's best for you" he warns, his eyes darkening with hunger. I quickly step out of the elevator and run to his office, hearing his laughter behind me.

The morning was spent mainly taking notes during Ivan's meetings. Once the final meeting ended, I waited as Ivan shook hands with the other men and gathered my notes. After all the men left the room, I made my way over to Ivan who immediately pulled me towards him.

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