Chapter 10: Heading To California

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Why did he call me, Luke? I wondered as I took my books and walked out of my cage. Aaron hugged me tightly then leaned over to my ear. "Play along, Ben." he whispered. I swallowed a gulp as I followed the adults out of the cellroom.

"As it turns out kid," the prison guard chuckled nervously. "We arrested the wrong guy." He didn't have to explain; I already know what he meant. Aaron must have given false information to the cops of having 'Luke' behind bars.

Somehow, the only thing that Aaron can come up with is my 'twin brother' did crimes and I unwittingly took the blame. "So," I began, speaking in a British accent. "Where is my brother?"

"Dead," Aaron sighed. "He died in some fire. I am terribly sorry, Luke." I bit my lip tightly then bobbed my head. As soon as Aaron signed a couple of papers, he unlocked my handcuffs then we walked out of the detention center.

But just as soon as we passed the petite police woman who was pushing Dash into the vehicle, I reached into my pocket and dropped the keys in hers. The prison guard gave us a small salute then went back to his post.

Aaron and I made a sharp turn to the left, where a garbage can was knocked down, spilling trash bags on the floor. While walking, Aaron took one of the trash bags and led me into a secluded place in the alley.

He shoved the bag in my hands then glared at me. "Change," Aaron ordered. I rummaged my hand into the bag and pulled out my red plaid shirt, a Chicago Bears baseball cap, belt, and white sneakers. Sighing, I plopped the clothes on the ground and did what I told.

After putting on my shirt and pants, I wore my Chicago Bears baseball cap. I quickly laced my sneakers and stuffed my prison clothes in the trash bag then smiled at Aaron. "Thanks," I said. He didn't smile back; instead he handed me my eye contact container.

Opening the box, I took out my green contact then covered it with my right hazel eye. I handed him my bag of prison clothes and in return, he gave me a red leather passport and money. I flipped open the book until I found a page where it has my fake name and picture.

"I knew that Seth was up to something," Aaron explained. "Always stuffing your things inside a garbage bag, talking to Marcos, looking suspicious. To be honest, I thought he was doing something reckless as usual. But in the end, I went up to his room and caught him putting one of your parents' mixtapes."

"When I asked him what he was doing, Seth told me about the hidden messages and wanted to bail his big brother out of jail." I was shocked that he deliberately disobeying "And you helped him without questioning?" I asked in disbelief.

Half of me wanted to be grateful to Aaron, but the other half wanted me to yell him. "What about your job?" I asked in wonder. He told me not to worry about him and grabbed the trash bag full of my prison clothes.

He then tossed me a small blue backpack where I put my cash, passport, tickets, and the rest of my stuff in. After I zipped my backpack tight, Aaron wished me good luck then disappeared.

Sighing, I hoisted my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the alley. I quietly walked to the airport on foot, making sure that I didn't encounter any suspicious character. Unfortunately, the sky was still dark and melancholy but I ignored it, tilted my cap, and kept moving forward.

I knew New York's streets like the back of my hand. There were streets that are safe, and there were streets that I have to walk pass. Unless, I wanted to get shot. I walked straight ahead of the muddy path, smelling the stench of trash, cigarettes, and a hint of coffee.

Just then, a hoodied figure with a woman's handbag ran past me. He had a red hoodie, black pants, and brown shoes. It was the same guy who pointed a gun at the lady earlier, until I took it.

"Stop!" a woman yelled in a distance. "Thief!" The burglar ran until he stopped in the middle of sidewalk. Right in front of him, was a field of cars, waiting for the lights to turn green.

Sensing as this is my opportunity, I casually walked up to burglar, and carefully took strap off of his shoulder. Next, I turned around and headed back to the wailing woman. Her face was covered in her hands.

I politely tapped on the lady's shoulder and handed the purse back to her. "Here," I said.  When she turned around, I nearly dropped her handbag: It was Ms. Caroline.

Her red orange hair was tied in a ponytail, she wore a black business uniform and high heels. Ms. Caroline smiled in delight when she took her purse from out of my hands. "Thank you," she beamed.

I bobbed my head awkwardly then tried to walk away until she called me over. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Sir?" she asked, walking forward. I desperately wanted to run, but I was afraid that she might recognize me.

"Yes?" I asked, not turning around. "I am sorry," she replied embarrassingly. "But I think I know you from somewhere." Swallowing a gulp, I turned to face her. "Yes," I spoke in a British accent. "My twin brother, Ben knows you."

"You're Luke, right?" Ms. Caroline guessed. "Yes," I answered. "You must be Ms. Caroline?" The snake nodded as we both shook hands. "I don't think your name isn't there in the files."

I swallowed another gulp and smiled nervously at her. "It was my biological mother's fault," I lied. "Just before I was born, she-" "You don't need to explain," she interrupted. "Poor boy."  Inside of me leaped for joy, but my heart was still pounding. "Where are you heading to?"  "California," I answered.

"Is my half-brother going to California? Seth?" I asked urgently. Ms. Caroline nodded firmly. "Yes," she answered. "There are two wonder foster parents who love you both. Did you pack your things?"

"Yes," I croaked. At last, I can see my brother. Tears came out of my eyes when all I can think about is my thirteen year old brother buried in my arms. I wiped them away and joined Ms. Caroline as we headed to the airport.

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