Chapter 8: Little Boy Yellow

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Everyday it was the same stupid routine: have our hearing turned off by a wailing policewoman, brush our teeth, line up to get breakfast, do chores around the facility, take a shower, and nap. It was as though Satan's love of misery and torture has never ended.

It was good that I followed Aaron's advice, but not when it comes to making friends. As usual, I obeyed every command that the prison guards throw at me, leaving them amazed and confused.

Some thought that I was deceiving them, while others pitied me and offered me extra breaks. One of the guards even slipped me a box of gum while everyone was asleep.

I politely took the gum and thanked him kindly. When the prison guard was gone, I placed the box of gum on my mattress, I unwrapped the minty gum and chewed it.

When no one was looking, I took out the lighter from under the mattress then studied it. The small metal box was rusty, leaving me thinking that Aaron absentmindedly let the box sit in a tub of water or something.

I then took the gum out of my mouth and stick against the match's cold surface. Quietly, I stuck it under my bed and covered it with my covers. Just then, a door bursted open when a petite, young police woman came scurrying to my cell.

Immediately, I hopped on my bed, yanked one of my roommate's Summertime Girls: Victoria's Secrets Edition catalogs, and pretended that I was marveling at a tall, brunette woman in a yellow two-piece bikini.

"Hey!" she screamed. "Benjamin!" I snapped out of my train of thoughts and rubbed my ears. It was like hearing Alvin and the Chipmunks songs. "Yes?" I asked politely. "You have a visitor," she sighed. The lady unlocked my cell and took me out of the prison room.

As we walked, I noticed juvenile delinquents were sitting in front of a glass mirror, calling their friends and families. The prison guards stood by, waiting for the kids to finish talking and get back in jail, where they belong. The police woman unlocked handcuffs and gave me a gentle nudge as I saw Seth behind the booth, clutching onto the phone as if it was a toy.

He wore his yellow striped pajamas and sneakers, his copper hair was messy, and under his eyes were dark circles. In his arms were two birthday presents.

I carefully sat in front him, took the phone from the rack and stared at his timid face. "Hey Seth," I greeted. "How are you?" "Good," he answered with a shrug. I would've believed him if he met my eyes. "Ms. Caroline said that I could live in her house until she can find someone who can adopt me."

I raised my eyebrow at him. As much as I loved Seth, I didn't trust his words, especially when it comes to Ms. Caroline. "Did she let me come see you?" I asked. Seth shook his head. "She thinks that your a bad influence, because pushed Flint down the stairs." he sighed. "The witch thinks I am a bad influence?" I asked, trying to control my anger. "Ben," Seth began.

I took a couple of deep breaths then smiled at him. "It's fine," I said cheerfully. I noticed two wrapped packages with a green bow was leaning on his shoulder. "Happy Birthday," Seth beamed, slipping them under my glass. Curious, I ripped the packages then left the red wrapping paper on the table. When I saw the two hardcover books, I stared at them in amazement: one of them was a Sherlock Holmes novel and another book on coded messages, Morse Codes, and ciphers.

He knew about my love for the Imitation Game and he knew how much I enjoyed cryptography. Seth must have spent a ton of money on these gifts. "You didn't have to use your piggy bank," I reassured. Seth gave me a confused look. "I didn't spend my money, Aaron did." Aaron? I thought. That's explains why Seth wasn't bothered about the price tag.

Smiling, I took the books gratefully and thanked him. I opened the book of cryptography and quickly scanned my eyes down the dots and dashes on the page. Instantly, I shut the book and placed it on top of the Sherlock Holmes novel. From moment, I had an idea. "Have you peeked inside it?" I asked hopefully.

Seth nodded very eagerly. I glanced at the clock above the prison guard's head. I had five minutes left before I head back to my cell. I faced Seth calmly and resumed the friendly reunion, tapping and sliding my finger against the table as if it was an old tapwire. "How do you like your new room?" I asked. Can you do something for me? I tapped.

Aware of my finger, Seth nodded firmly at me."It's a lot better than our old bedroom," he shrugged. Seth responded back to me: What can I do? I let out a relieved sigh then smiled at him. I my finger remained tapping, leaving a small paragraph for Seth to 'read'. I want you to do get my contacts and things then put them in a garbage can near the center. Remembering Seth's friendship with Cleo, I added another sentence: Find a picture of me, give it to Marcos, and have him print out a passport to California.

Marcos was my friend in the foster system. He was a well-behaved kid, but he kept getting arrested for selling fake IDs and passports. Okay, Seth tapped. Don't do it now, I tapped urgently. Don't do it until I say so. As soon as I am gone, I will send you over to California. "Time's up, Ben." the small policewoman said, putting my handcuffs back on. Her red fingernails dug into mine as she dragged me out of my chair.

I sadly watched Seth as he whimpered like a sad puppy. "Goodbye," I said to Seth. He waved then headed back outside. As she took me by the arm and walked me back to my cell, I stretched out my foot then watched as she tripped over it. "Sorry," I mumbled in embarrassment. Secretly, I reached inside her pocket, pull out the keys, and dropped them into mine.

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