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The face that haunted my dreams. It was in front of me. In front of Mason.

"You!" I gasped out, not grasping what exactly was going on.

Rolling his eyes, the evil man narrowed his cold, green eyes and began to speak, "My son here, seemed to have been incredibly disobedient. Defying your own powerful father for a weak girl definitely was not what I raised you for."

My eyes widened as everything had started to fall into place. Mason had known everything. Me having to pay them and my mother being called Catherine Owens. He must had known her if that life-ruining man was his own biological father.

Turning my head round to Mason, I pleaded with my eyes for him to say it was not true.

Nodding his head slowly, Mason averted his eyes to the floor, which had me nearly in tears. He had betrayed me. The person who I ever felt feelings for had betrayed me. I shook my head in disbelief before glaring at him bitterly.

"I'm sorry father," Mason apologised and winced at my wounded face. "I promise I won't do it again."

"Good, son," the cruel man replied and marched over to Mason to whisper something into his ear.

Mason's face changed from apologetic to agitated instantly.

"We have work to be getting on with, son," his father chuckled sinisterly.

Mason followed his father as he started walking away. With one last longing glance at me, he continued trudging after him.

Once he was gone, I slid down my door in despair. How could he do that to me? I opened up to him and Mason already knew. He was just like his father cunning and an absolute liar. I wished I had never met him.

I opened up my front door and stepped inside before slamming it shut. Running up stairs, I stumbled into my bedroom and hopped into my bed. I wanted to just shut the entire world out.

And that night, for the first time in a while, I sobbed myself to sleep.


"Woah, you do not look good at all," Ashley declared with concern. "What's wrong?"

"Apart from being betrayed by jerkface, I'm all good," I coldly responded, stomping down the hallway.

"Jerkface?" Sara jumped in, wrapping her arm around Ashley's shoulder.

Fuming, Ashley growled out, "That decieving brat, Mason."

"What did he do?" Sara asked with concern.

"I bet he did something dumb. Like has his brain ever been used before?"
Ashley shook in rage.

"Never mind guys. Let's just forget it." I quickly commented, desperately trying to get off the subject.

Sara, Ashley and I were just aimlessly walking down hallways as it was lunch and we had nothing to do. Lunch was really boring especially when there were no tables available.

A figure came staggering up to us in excitement with her brown curly hair bouncing along with every step she took. Surprisingly, I had made another friend. I couldn't believe I was making friends to be honest. All my life it had just been me with my books at my side.

Now everything was different, but unfortunately there were still some people who I could not trust anymore. He had to be the one to hurt me, didn't he? With so much hurt in my life, I was starting to believe it was normal.

"Guys, I watched another episode of Shameless," Abby proclaimed with pride. "It was lit."

"Oh my gosh!" Sara yawped loudly in an excitable voice.

Whilst Sara and Abby started a conversation about some guy called 'Mickey', Ashley and I stood clueless just watching them chatter.

"So um Ashley, how's li-"

I began speaking but one of Sara's large squeals interrupted me. Ashley and I both winced as our eardrums were injured from that high-pitched sound that I swore only Sara could do. It was quite impressive really.

Huffing in annoyance, I tried to get a look at the clock in one of the classroom's and it was 1:25. Phew, we only had 5 minutes until class.

In that classroom, I noticed a boy sat at a desk alone. He held a pen in his hand and everytime he wrote with it he would shake. He appeared dejected and aggrieved. Trying to get a better view, I immediately regretted it. It was Mason. What made me stop for a few seconds was the black, prominent bruise that was on the side of his cheekbone. Why was he hurt?

As a feeling of guilt sparked up in me,  I rapidly turned my head away. He was upset but I didn't have a clue why. Mason betrayed and lied to me. I didn't do any of the sort to him.

"Is that him?" Ashley asked once she saw what I was looking at."Please let me bash his skull in! He doesn't have a brain anyway so it'll be fine." 

"No Ashley. Leave him be," I answered, striding away from that classroom.

Ashley was crazy and I didn't want her to rip him to shreds because it didn't feel right. Nothing felt right at the moment. I was still in shock so it may had been that.

The bell rang for my next lesson and I rushed to it in excitement. It was English.

Stepping through the door, my excitement soon left as a feeling of dread washed over me. Mason was in my class. I didn't want to be near him because he was the son of my dad's murderer. Like father like son they say. Just thinking about it made me disgusted.

One question was running through my mind though, would he do his father's dirty work and finish the job? The job of killing me if I didn't pay up.


Hi, did you like it?

Firstly, I would like to say my condolences to the ones that lost anyone during the London terrorist attack. Even though I don't live near London, it's still part of my home and it's the captial city of my country.

Anyways on from that, I would like to say a big thank you to those who read my book (you know who you are). Thanks for supporting me.

Please VOTE and don't feel afraid to COMMENT. I will see you soon my lovelies <3
Gem Gems

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