Chapter 8 Goodnight... Mom✔

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Elliott's POV

Its been a month since dad... I don't even want to say it.

But the officers were about to take us to a child care but Ashley offered to adopt us. As our godmother, she was family, so the officer said it was fine.

Ellie and I live with her in her small house. There's only 2 rooms and she set the other one up for me and sister.

Me and Ellie have been very quiet lately. We keep to ourselves and we are in our room all day. The school gave us a break in case we wanted time to recover so I literally mean all day.

Ashley has been worried about us and I know she means well. We wont let her into our room so she can't give us food which means we are both still very skinny. We want to be able to let her get closer to us but I guess me and Ellie are still a little in shock.

Right now me and Ellie are just reading a book. Its called If I stay. It's a Saturday. About 9 am. This is literally what we do everyday. We just sit here and barely talk. But to be fair we don't even have to talk to know how the other one is doing.

Suddenly the door opens. We forgot to lock it. Great. Ashley came in.

"Hey guys" she said. Me and Ellie just looked at her. Its been so awkward. There's a moment of silence before she talks again.

"What are y'all reading?" she asked. Me and Ellie looked at each other and I talked for what seemed the first time in forever.

"Its called If I stay" I said showing her the cover. She leaned in to take a closer look.

"Sounds interesting" she said. It went back to an awkward silence.

"Well I am off work this weekend so I was wondering if you guys wanted to go anywhere you want to today" she said.

I thought about it. It would be nice to get out of the house and have fun. Then again that's what got us in danger last time. But Ashley will be with us.

I looked at my sister. She gave me a questioning look. I just shrugged.

She took a deep breath.

"It might be nice to go out" Ellie said.

Ashley smiled.

"That's great! Elliott what about you?" Ashley asked me.

"Yeah why not?" I said.

"Alright. So where do you guys want to go? Just name it" she said.

"Uhhhhh..." Ellie and I said. I never really thought of anywhere to go.

I got up and went to Ellie's bed.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked whispering softly.

"I don't know, anywhere will be fine I guess" she said.

"Well... what about bowling?" I asked.

"Uh... yeah I guess that's fine" she said nodding.

I turned to Ashley.

"Can we go bowling?" I asked.

"Yeah of course! Now y'all change into something comfortable and I'll wait for you downstairs" she said with a smile and walking out of the room.

I closed it and began picking out my clothes. Ellie did the same thing.

"I really think we need to communicate with Ashley a little more don't you think?" I asked.

"Yeah. I agree. I mean she really cares about us. She's always been there when dad was busy, she's like a best friend, and she adopted us. We should show her we love her to" Ellie said.

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