Kreacher's Commands

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Kreacher's Commands

Regulus ran across the grounds, breathless, his cloaks flying out behind him as he went. Barty Crouch stumbled after him, still tugging his cloaks on. "Regulus, bloody hell - slow down!" Barty begged. But Regulus couldn't slow. The adrenaline pumping through his veins was too powerful. He didn't know how they were going to get to Malfoy Manor, where the Dark Lord had returned following the destruction of the Lestrange's mansion. "Where are we going?"

"We have to get off the school grounds!" Regulus shouted, "This way. C'mon, hurry up."

Barty grit his teeth and ran harder, nearly falling down the steep hill. They were passing Hagrid's cabin, smoke rising from the chimney. There was a great deal of barking going on inside - at least three dogs were barking at once and Hagrid's shadow was passing by the window as they went by. Regulus ducked through the trees into the Black Forest just past Hagrid's toolshed and Barty felt his heart skip a beat.

"Reg, we're not allowed -- we're not allowed in there! It's against the rules!"

Regulus was already several yards into the trees. "This is life and death! The rules don't matter."

"You still haven't told me who's in trouble!" Barty hissed. "How do I know it's worth the risk?"

Regulus stared at him, disappointment welling up in him, "I've just told you somebody is going to die and you wonder if it's worth the risk of breaking a rule to save them? Does it matter who it is?"

"I mean I'm not going in there after a mudblood," Barty said.

Regulus answered, "It isn't a mudblood we're saving."

Barty sighed and trampled his way through the brush to Regulus, "Well who then?"

"C'mon." Regulus continued on through the trees, "This way..."

Barty rolled his eyes and hurried after his friend. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Will you just trust me?"

"Well where are we going at least?"

"Malfoy Manor."

Barty laughed, his lungs aching already from running, "We're running all the way to Malfoy Manor?"

"No, only off the grounds. Then I can summon Kreacher and he can apparate us to London."

"But Kreacher apparates onto the grounds all the time," Barty argued, "Why couldn't he just come get us in our dorm?"

"Kreacher can apparate, but we can't. Human disapparation isn't possible on the grounds. I read it in a book at the library." They'd reached a large clearing in the woods and Regulus came to a stop in the middle, looking around himself as Barty caught up and, wheezing, doubled over to grab his knees. Regulus called out, "Kreacher!" but there was no response. "Kreacher, I command you to come!" he tried again.

Barty knelt down and drew his wand, "Aquamenti," he hissed, and he drank the water as it poured from his wandtip.

Regulus was pacing, "Kreacher, by order of the Noble House of Black, I command --"


"Master Regulus, Kreacher is here - Kreacher is here - Kreacher is sorry. Kreacher was fulfilling orders from Master Orion for the Dark Lord and could not come immediately! Kreacher will punish himself for making Master Regulus wait!" The elf bowed low.

Regulus shook his head, "No, Kreacher, don't do that... Listen, I need you to get me and my friend Barty here to Malfoy Manor, it's very important, and ---"

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