Rat in the Cellar

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Rat in the Cellar

Founder's Tavern was always busy and loud. That's why James had chosen it for their arrival point through the floo network. Everyone there would be so busy with their mead and ales that they'd never notice three teenage boys tumble in and walk out the door. They'd agreed to meet up outside, on the stone wall of a church just a little ways off from the front doors of the tavern. James was balancing on the stone wall, walking along, his arms stretched out wide as he walked, talking to Peter, who stood on the sidewalk, looking on in awe at James's balancing skills, when Remus emerged from the tavern. Remus walked swiftly across the street, glancing over his shoulder at the little village behind them. "This looks like a nice place to live," he commented, looking up at James, too, as he came to a stop beside Peter.

"Yeah, it's brilliant!" James said, "It's mixed, not all magic like Hogsmeade is, but its fairly close to all magic. I think the muggles that live here have an inkling there's more to the universe than their muggle eyes see, if you know what I mean. They don't seem to be as affected by accidental magic as some muggles are. Plus, the coolest thing about it is that it's where Godric Gryffindor is from. And Dumbledore, too. And you know Bathilda Bagshot? She wrote about half our bloody textbooks. She lives right over there." He pointed. "My dad knows her. She's old."

Remus stared at the house James was pointing at, feeling as though he were having a celebrity sighting. He would have very much liked to go over and meet Bathilda Bagshot if they weren't on a mission. "Very cool," Remus said.

James jumped down off the stone wall, landing on the grass in the cemetery. "Beedle the Bard's from Godric's Hollow, too, you know, at least that's what the legend says.... See, Ignotus Peverell's buried over there," he said. "See that funny looking stone with that odd little rune on it?"

"The bloke from the Three Brothers?" Remus asked, blinking in surprise.

"One and the same," James nodded.

"But that's just a story," Peter argued.

"Well the legend is that Beedle the Bard used to wander about in this cemetery and look for names from the stones," James said with a shrug.

Remus stared at the stone from far off and shivered. "That's cool."

Peter stared, too, then turned to James and Remus, "I don't like cemeteries."

"Well, I hate to tell ya Pete, but we gotta cut through this one to get to my house. We could walk on down this street and go the long way about, but if we cut through here and go through those woods --" James pointed, "The field outback my place is right past those trees. The river's down 'round over that way, where we set up camp that time." He made a motion indicating east of where they stood. "I think it's best if we stick to the woods to get close. Dad said there were Death Eaters in the cul-de-sac when Sirius got here, so they may still be there. Especially if they know Snuffles is Sirius. We'll have to be careful. In fact... I was thinking me and Pete should transform when we get to the woods and --" he held the cloak out to Remus, "You should wear that."

"Alright," Remus took the cloak.

The only other problem we're gonna have is that I'm not a secret keeper. I don't have the note from Kingsley - or whoever, but I still think it's Kingsley - saying the address so Rey, you're the only one that hasn't been inside so you won't be able to go past the Fidelus. Peter, you should be able to, 'cos you came to my house two summers ago, same as Sirius did...." James waved for Remus and Peter to follow him as he cut through the cemetery, avoiding stepping on any of the graves in respect, weaving among the stones that dotted the churchyard. "So I'm thinking the best way to do it so none of us get caught is if Pete goes inside - as a rat, mind you - and finds Sirius and gets him to come outside. We'll get Sirius to come out to the woods, then we'll change back to people and you and me, Rey, we'll use the Hormorphus on him and change him back. Then we give him his wand and he can go on back as Snuffles; he's safer here anyway, but at least he'll have his wand so he can change back and write us letters and whatnot."

The Marauders: Year FourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz