precise verbs

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ask: question, query, request, inquire

bend down: crouch, stoop, squat, duck

climb: shinny, scale, ascend, clamber

cry: weep, sob, blubber, snivel, whimper, bawl, howl, wail

fall (an object falling): drop, plunge, plummet, crash

fall (person falling down): tumble, collapse, stumble, topple, plunge

go (slowly):trudge, amble, creep, crawl, saunter, stroll, meander

hold (hold onto something):grasp, cling, clutch, grip, seize

hold (restrain):detain, confine, hem in, pin down

jump:leap, hop, bound

knock (on a door):tap, thump, bang, rap, pound

laugh :chuckle, cackle, giggle, guffaw, snicker

leave:slink away, depart, run off, abscond, disappear, set off, take off,

lift:boost, hoist, elevate, heave

run:sprint, jog, dart, dash, scurry, scamper, tear out

say :speak, utter, declare, state, reply, respond, exclaim

say (loudly):yell, shout, scream, bellow, screech, bark, holler, roar

say (quietly):whisper, murmur, mumble

see:observe, perceived, notice, witness, glimpse, lay eyes on, catch sight of

smile:beam, smirk, beam, grin

steal:pinch, pilfer, filch, rob, snatch

stop (end):discontinue, cease, halt, break off, terminate, withdraw

stop (prevent):avert, avoid, foil, thwart, preclude, nip in the bud, inhibit

take away:grab, snatch, seize

walk:stroll, saunter, amble, march, stride, stagger

watch:observe, gaze at, examine, scrutinize, inspect

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