scenery descriptions examples

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The sunset filled the entire sky with the deep color of rubies, setting the clouds ablaze. The waves crashed and danced along the shore, moving up and down in a graceful and gentle rhythm like they were dancing. The painting was a field of flowers, with deep and rich blues and yellows atop vibrant green stems that seemed to beckon you to reach right in and pick them. The old man was stooped and bent, his back making the shape of a C and his head bent so far forward that his beard would nearly have touched his knobby knees had he been just a bit taller. His deep and soulful blue eyes were like the color of the ocean on the clearest day you can ever imagine.The soft fur of the dog felt like silk against my skin and her black coloring glistened as it absorbed the sunlight, reflecting it back as a perfect, deep, dark mirror.


"It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist."


The grey smoke filled the once fresh skies into darkness;putrid smells of smoke filled peoples nostrils what has the sky done to us. A young girl with rosy red cheeks stood out from the crowd, her dreamy eyes were fixed onto the smoke that was wandering the sky helplessly, without looking back she paced towards the entrance of the grand doors of the dark palace fear her not she stepped in, It was cold, it was dark and she took a breath in then breathed out leaving what it seem liked a trail of dragons smoke. For now she was terrified as the dark queen stood two steps away from her cold face. She grabbed onto her collar and gulped hard, she wish she never stepped through the doors of THE DARK QUEEN.


I looked up to the clear sky and the frenzied pulses sent out by my heart pounded so hard at my chest. It felt like as if a drill were slowly poking a hole across a sheet of delicate plywood. The adrenaline rush sent an electric impulse swirling down my spine giving my the shivers which you get when you listen to good music. I was breathing in a haphazard manner and the mesmerizing view completely took over my body. It was like a drug that got me addicted and brought me the instantaneous inner peace like as if my soul had been pulled out of its cage. It felt like witch craft. My senses were blocked and I couldn't move a muscle nor hear anything. Time froze and only my eyes were cooperated to take a mental picture of this jet black spot dangling on the great canvas of Nature.


The grey smoke filled the once fresh air with putrid smells of coal. I followed the beckoning trail of the fog, wondering where it was leading. There it was, my sister lay in a pool of seemingly dry blood painted on her fresh skin. I broke down in sorrow, struggling to believe this was true. I pinched myself; attempting strongly to escape this brutal nightmare, but nothing changed. How could this be? What did she do to deserve this?The brooding sky refused to notice my innocence; looming over me menacingly. Threats of the cynical cold air, promised me death and torture. What did i do wrong?


He took a deep breath and threw himself to his feet, turning to swing. He opened his eyes to a world of blurry world of shadows and filtered light. Those shadows caught him, tripped him, then slammed him against the ground. Snap. All went black. Siris registered this as a vague sensation, tangible in only the most fleeting of ways. Like the memory of a taste. A sense of uncontrolled soaring,a panicked flight.

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