Chapter 21

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Connor instinctively pulled Evie towards him, swiftly untying the plaid binding them together and using it to bind Evie's sliced wound before shoving her behind him, just as the figure of Lord Gregory Verrick burst through the brush, enraged light burning as his gaze fell upon Connor's possessive stance in front of Evie's unmistakable figure.

"What have you done, you miscreant!" he raged, a snarl clear in his voice as the English viscount swirled to his nephew. "You promised me you will take care of her, how could this happen!"

"They did nothing wrong Father! I... I want this." Against Connor's wishes, Evie ducked out from under his arm to stand in between the Viscount and Hammond, meeting her father's scowl head on. It went against the warrior's every nature to let his bride stand against what appeared to be a very angry looking father. His heart swelled however, watching her confident posture as she argued with her father. Not backing down despite the heated gaze Lord Karlsborough directed at her, Evie scowled back in return. "I love Connor, Father. He is a good man. None of them are like what you've told me before. Mother loved it here, she went with you because she loved you."

"Hammond takes care of his people. The clan people love him. They are all contented here. They aren't as barbaric or as brutish as you've led me to believe. It is beautiful here!" Evie argued. With every word, the love in his heart swelled for the girl. He loved her? He definitely did. How could he not when she lived with such passion, a great zeal for everything she put her mind to. Stepping forward, Connor ignored the wary look his father-in-law gave him, and instead swept Evie in his arms and planted a deep kiss square on her lips despite the outraged look Gregory Verrick wore.

"I love ye, lass."

"You-you do?" Evie stammered, surprised by the sudden declaration. He chuckled, brushing another quick kiss as he whispered, "I do. How could I not? Ye are wonderful, passionate, everything I could ask fer in a lass."

"I am English, though."

"I am too judgemental, I know that now. People are individuals not dictated by their heritage or race, but simply by their values and upbringing." Turning to Gregory Verrick, Connor's face hardened into one of determination. "Ye are lucky, Viscount. Yer daughter is verra loyal to ye. But I am not letting her go. She is me wife, and she shall remain so. But I respect her wishes."

"You will?" Evie whispered in surprise.

"I hope ye have a long life yet, fer I think my wife would be verra unhappy should you be gone. Fer the  time being, we will stay half the year at Cavalon Castle, and the other half will be spent here in the Keep. When the time comes, I will take on her heritage and man Cavalon Castle on her behalf. Fer her sake, and fer yers."

"You-you will?" this time the Gregory stammered out, amusing Connor at how alike they sounded. Nodding, he let Evie straighten up, but kept his possessive hold on her waist. "By Highland laws, we are married. I want nothing more then to have my wife happy. So yes, I will."

"By London laws, you aren't though." he replied, although his stance loosened up. 

Connor's eyes flashed at that though, and he growled out his answer. "Nae. I willna go and stand about like some doll on display. We are handfasted, and we are married. Evie is my wife."

"You two are like bulls in a fight, would you two calm down." Evie finally spoke up in a huff, laying a hand to Connor's veined arm and shooting him a glare. "Father," she finally addressed Gregory. "I love him. I think I've said that before. Connor is someone I know I can rely on. He has never let any harm befall me before, and I don't think he's about to start. He is considerate, kind, and very stubborn, both in good ways and bad." Smiling at Connor's indignant look, her eyes softened as she pleaded. "I love the Highlands, Father. As much as I love him. I would love to stay."

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