Chapter 7

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Frustrated at being stuck in bed, by the third evening of his imposed confinement to the bed, Connor was close to going stark raving mad. As a warrior, staying anywhere for a long period of time did not sit well with Connor at all, so it was no surprise that when the knock sounded on his door the evening before dinnertime, Connor froze at where he was pacing the floor next to his bed. Any longer and he would've worn a pathway in the carpeting.

"Who is it?"

"Captain Gilroy, I've brought the one you wanted to see." he recognized the voice as Lady Evelyn's, but his chest thumped harder at the meaning behind her words, rather then her voice. Was it her? Suddenly in a panic, Connor's first reaction was to look wildly around, attempting to dress his half naked body. It was only when he was halfway through pulling on his thin linen shirt, did Hammond's words reverberate within his head again.

"Don't make a fool of yourself for a girl, Connor Gilroy."

Has he been doing that? In a way, Connor felt like he should feel ashamed for acting the way he did, like an untried lad in the throes of his first puppy love. What love, when he didn't even know the girl? She was fetching, that was for sure, and a zeal for life that was refreshing compared to a regular Highlander's presistent need for battle. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds in a mine... and he should not be thinking that way for her.

Enough, Gilroy. You're overreacting for her. You don't even know her. Just see her, satisfy your curiosity with her name and who she is, and let it go. It's only because you can't get your answers about her that has you so obsessed with her. Just get it out of your system, Connor Gilroy.

Firmly trying to set that idea into his head, he yanked his shirt over his shoulders, wincing as it pulled at his bandaged upper arm and chest, before proceeding to open the door, revealing the brunette Lady Evelyn... and his redhead vision. At the sight of her, it took awhile before the captain had to remind himself firmly again that he should not be reacting this way, and instead attempted a genial smile. "Lady Evelyn, tis a pleasure to see you." 

"Captain Gilroy, she is a servant girl who works within Cavalon Castle. She helped when you got injured."

"Thank you, Miss...?"

"It isn't a big deal, Captain Gilroy. Tis my pleasure, and my duty." she sounded so meek. Was this even his gregarious angel he met under the moonlight? Her voice was beautiful, like a nightingales song on a warm summer night. But her demeanour made Connor balk, for she wouldn't even look at him directly with those green eyes he knew resided under those long lashes. Was she put up to this? Was she told to be submissive? These were not the actions, for he knew his gealbhan was no insipid maid.

"I have duties, Captain Gilroy, which I should return to. Please do call on me if you need anything else tended to in regards to your injury." With that, she scurried away, leaving Connor with even more questions then what he had expected to get answered, his eyes staring at her disappearing form turning the corner down the hallway. "Captain?"

"Oh-oh, I'm sorry Lady Evelyn. I was... What was her name?"

"I... I'm sorry, I cannot recall Captain. But are you better now? Does your wound still hurt? Would you like to join us for dinner in the dining hall?"

"Will she be there?" he couldn't stop himself from asking, not waiting for the brunette's answer before he butted in "Let her be one of the serving maidens in the dining hall. I shall join you." Without letting a word in edgewise, Connor retreated into his room, leaving Amelia with a gaping jaw wondering what could she do now.

Realizing that standing there was not going to help much, Amelia picked up her skirts and took off after where Evie had wandered off to, only having to skid to a stop when she realized she had overtook Evie, who had ended up leaning against the wall with a dazed look on her face. "My lady? Evie? Are you alright?"

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