Chapter Twenty

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"Lets not have a repeat of the BBQ incident shall we?" I ask sarcastically.

I kneel close to an injured Chris who has shifted back and is clothed. He backs away when I try to reach for his broken wrist. He growls showing his teeth causing Cam to growl protectively. I roll my eyes but speak soothing words to calm Chris' wolf.

I place my hand over his wrist as he watches skeptically. He groans slightly when my hands heat up and glow meaning my powers are working. I remove my hand to reveal a perfect wrist. He looks at it with wide eyes. He moves it around in different directions and I chuckle at his baffled expression.

He looks at me still shocked "Uh, thanks." he says scratching the back of his head. I nod and stand up. Cameron immediately wraps his arms around my back as I lean into his touch. I look around to see we have gained a crowd. Chris stands up giving me a small smile and walking away. We continue with my training for another hour.

I practice turning invisible and hiding my scent so that the packs best trackers can try to find me. I run into the trees as my silver wolf and run around once I have made myself invisible. I stay out there waiting for half an hour until Cameron mindlinks me. He tells me that his trackers had returned home wrecked from the search.

I laugh and race home. I emerge from the trees dressed and meet the group that were looking for me. Six bulky men aged 20-30 stand before me looking quite frustrated. I feel bad and have a sudden urge to make them feel better.

Suddenly, they beam at me brightly showing their teeth. I look at them curiously and they look at each other weirdly.

"What just happened?" one of them asks confused.

"I don't know...One minute I was annoyed because I couldn't find the Luna but the next thing I felt over the moon and all I wanted to do" Another replies. They all nod in agreement.

I think hard when I feel Star stir.  

* "Another power." she says in a 'duh' tone.

"Ohhh" I nod my head slowly slapping myself for not realising it sooner.

"What?" they ask in unison. "I got another power." I tell them.

"Cool!" a blonde guy says "but what exactly is your power?" curiosity evident in his voice.

I frown slightly ."Em....I think I can control other peoples emotions." I explain, not so sure myself.

My dads and Cameron walk over to us so I turn to them. "Baby girl, did I hear you say you got another power?" Jax asks. I nod and explain to them what just happened. David grins.

"Sweetie, yes you can control emotions or reactions. Unfortunately we don't know if you can control all of them or just some." he explains. Cameron appears by my side.

"Want to practice?" he whispers dangerously close to my ear. I supress a shiver and nod robotically. My dads give me a knowing look quick I glare at.

"How am I going to do this?" I ask my dads sheepishly while stepping into the clearing.

"Well if I'm correct, you should be able to control emotions like sadness, anger, happiness and you can probably cause pain and fright."Andrew explains. I try to take in the new information but soon a headache is pounding against my skull.

I groan placing my hands on the side of my head. I feel Cameron rubbing my back comfortingly. I gently rub circles feeling my hands glow. I sigh in relief once my headache disappears. I look up to my dads who are smirking.

"Well first we are going to need volunteers." Xavier announces to the crowd. Some hands shoot up but Andrew interrupts.

"We probably need some strong people as this will be a bit dangerous. Maybe if we pick the Alphas and Betas?" My dads agree and soon Alpha Ian, Hannah, Beta Nick and his mate Anne are standing in front of me.

Silvermoon ProphecyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara