Chapter Forty Four// Too Late?

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"Nathan?" My voice hitches with anticipation, my heart racing like a stampede of untamed horses. His head turns, his brown orbs sparkling. "Nathan!"

The crowd fades into a blur, vanishing as I run through the rows of chairs. He doesn't see me at first, his attention focused on the planes, disappearing into the clouds from the vertical glass windows. His shoulder turns a degree, a thoughtful expression masking his face.

"Nathan!" I call out again with a lack of breath from my sprint, only a few metres away from him. His ears prick up at my voice. Detecting my presence, his eyes search desperately for a glimpse- a glimpse of me. A fire burns in my heart, smoke clouding my feet as I run faster, more desperate to hold him.

"Paige?" His voice quickens my pulse.

My body collides with his in an affectionate embrace, my arms wrapping around his torso, my head resting on his shoulder whilst I whimper his name. The heat radiating from his soft T-shirt, mixing with his sweet scent is enough to make it feel like a dream- a perfect dream.

"Paige," he repeats, his voice tender, making my heart skip a beat.

"Don't go," I tell him, I plead.


"Listen to me, please..."


"I love you Nathan, don't leave me."


My eyes flash open, a blaring light blinding me. The white glow hazes my vision. My mom then steps away from my window where she has just opened my curtains.

"Paige, you lazy girl," she chuckles lightly. "I've been calling you for ages. Thought you were dead," she jokes, going over to my door with an amused smile. "Teenagers these days."

I stretch out my arms, yawning with my eyes scrunched close. I exhale and glance towards my clock. "Why, what time is it?" I read the numbers on my clock, a nasty realisation hitting me like a punch to the gut. "Crap," I murmur once my mom is out of view.


Nathan's flight is at five!

A wave of panic washes over me, salty and bitter against my tongue. I jump into the shower, ignoring the fact the water is still cold. I hiss as it hits my skin, shaking it off as the hot water will take too long to heat up. Once the shampoo is washed out of my hair, I hastily dry my body dry. Thankfully I have planned out my outfit the night before. I drop my towel and pull on my jeans, zipping them up in a hurry, fumbling on the button. My eyes target my clock...


Shit, I might not make it!

"You're quick, slow down or you might trip," comments my mom as I plummet off the stairs half way down, landing on both my feet. She is cradling a basket of laundry which I almost knock out of her arms.

"I'm fine," I sprint into the kitchen, flinging open all the cupboards in hunt for cereal. "Will take too long. I'll just have toast," I utter under my breath. Finally, after licking my fingers clean from butter and jam, I hurry towards my bag, fishing out my car keys and purse.

"Where're you going in all of a hurry?" emerges my mom from the living room, a questioning look on her face.

"Out," I reply as I buckle up my ankle boots, pulling the other one on with a stressful tug. "Lacy invited me over, staying for dinner," I add, just in case I'm not home in time for tea. I don't have time for follow up questions, my hand shaking with the anxiety of missing his flight. This is too important to mess up.

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