Chapter Thirty Six// Sounds Lovely

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A/N- This chapter contains strong language that may be offensive to some readers, this is a warning so you are prepared.

"So, how do you think your mid-term geography test went today?" Asks my mom as I hand her the croissants from the top shelf.

"Good, I suppose," I answer with an imperturbable hunch of my shoulders, assisting her whilst reaching the bread off the third row. I push the shopping trolley around the corner, following her to isle three.

"How did Lacy find it?" She goes onto ask with an interested tone. I always find that if I tell her everyone in the class found the test really hard, she will be more understandable if I get a bad grade. So interpreting that logic into my response, I don't build her standards up too high by telling her a skeptical answer.

"She found it ok. The whole class was complaining after it though as it was really hard."

"Well, I'm sure you did your best love. After all, you always do. Um, would you mind going to the fruit section and pick me out some apples and bananas?"

"Sure," with an excepting smile, I walk over in the direction of multi coloured fruits, ranging from the vibrant colours of pomegranates to pineapples. I locate the banana and pick out the freshest batch. Then I weigh the apples.

"Hi Paige," I flinch to the side as Bailey appears in front of me, also hand picking a bag of apples.

"Hello Bailey," I greet with a welcoming smile, seeing my reflection in her pearly white teeth. "How are you doing?" I tie my bag and smile down at her.

"I'm doing great! Started cheerleading, I got into the squad," she goes onto tell me with a huge grin. Impressed, I rose my eyebrows with a beam of pride.

"Bailey that's amazing. I knew you really wanted to be a cheerleader," I say, commenting on the time when I was invited round for dinner and she told me her aspirations for the future.

"It's all thanks to you."

"Me?" I point my finger towards my chest. Why have I influenced her? I had basically told her that cheerleaders were bitches yet she still had the determination to be one.

"Yes. After what you said about not being friends with the cheerleaders, I wanted to prove that a cheerleader is more than a stereotype of being popular. And I have. I love it and even if I'm not that cool, I have still been accepted onto the team." Her pink cheeks glow as her smile couldn't expand any more. The joy that sparkles in her eyes warmed my heart to know I had made a difference for a young teenage girl, just like Bailey.

"I'm so proud of you, I really am," I praise her even more with a supportive hug of encouragement. A giggle slips from her mouth as she twirls on the spot.

"That means a lot Paige."

"Bailey!" The sudden call of her name makes Bailey spin around on her heels, her hands reaching out and catching onto the front of a trolley. I trail my eyes from Bailey's hands, across the metal mesh, over the piles of food and up the length of the body of... Nathan.

His eyes remain locked on Bailey, despite the fact I know he has detected my presence. Without any acknowledgment, Nathan ignores me completely and loads his trolley up with fruit and vegetables as if I was simply another stranger he doesn't want to talk to. Soon enough the silence builds too thick I thought it was impossible to break. However with an awkward giggle, Bailey lets out a laugh to break the tension.

"Hey Nathan, mom wants oranges too," she says whilst pointing on her tip toes to the highest shelf.

Nathan leaves his eyes from the floor and looks directly at the fruit, targets  it and reaches for it with his hand. As his arm extended upwards, the bottom of his T-shirt raises an inch above his jeans, exposing a tanned strip of toned muscle under his skin, visible to my eyes.

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