Extra Chapter

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To celebrate the fact that this book is about to reach 100k reads, here is the moment when Axel and Skylar met (as actual mates), but in Axel's POV. Enjoy!


Tugging on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I whistled lowly at the forest I was stood in. It was so eerily devoid of any wildlife. It was creepy. 

Few animals lived around werewolves, but there were always some

"Might wanna take a look at your pack if I were you." A deliriously sweet voice called out somewhere in the distance. 

I froze, there was something about that voice...

"Yeah." She said. A cocky tone to her voice. Like she were taunting someone. 

I subtly sniffed the air, and began to realise that many wolves had passed through here... were they being attacked?

Cries of pain and struggling suddenly sounded out in the direction the sweet voice had come from.

Just the sound of it made my wolf uneasy, I could feel him pulling me towards the sound.

Reluctantly I agreed with him that I had to go over there. I wasn't sure why... something about that voice just drew me in. I had to know who that was.

I began to run in the said direction, all the time arguing with my wolf about what I was doing. I didn't need to be in the middle of this. But he kept pushing me, urging me on. Like something important was happening there.

I entered the clearing at the same time a loud snap echoed across the trees. A beautiful girl with dark eyes and shiny brown hair stood in the centre, an alpha wolf in front of her, the two of them were standing in front of at least 60 dead wolves. My mouth dropped open in shock, what had happened here?

I watched the girl as she removed her booted foot from the wolves back. She had just snapped its spine. 

I was horrified, yet nothing about this put me off the girl in the slightest. She was absolutely stunning, she could be making millions modelling somewhere for the human world. 

Even as she screamed out "This will teach you for messing with my pack!" she was beautiful. Even when she ripped the poor guys leg right out of the socket and and whipped a gun out and shot him in the head. Even then, this girl had my every last piece of attention.

Standing up straight, I somehow ended up walking over to the scene of the crime, watching the girl through a haze of longing. Her soft hair swaying in the wind as she turned away. 

This girl was something else.

"Holy shit." I said carelessly, overcome with powerful feelings for this beauty. 

Immediately she spun around and aimed the hand-gun at me, a look of pure anger on her face before we made eye contact. 


I was at a loss for words. This... this girl... was my mate? Damn well I'm just the luckiest guy alive.

I watched as her expression turned to shock, her eyes scanning me, though her grip on the gun never faltered. Had she too realised we were mates?

My eyes flickered between her and the gun, still poised and ready to shoot. 

The longer we stood like this, eyes connected, the more I realised how familiar she looked.

Yeah sure she was... different. But this girl could have been Avery's twin. They were both gorgeous, same facial structure... But this girl was way more bad ass than Avery had ever been, and I'd never seen Avery kill an alpha. Besides that... Avery was dead.

To Love a DemonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora