Emotions (13)

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Sorry that this came late, had a very busy week and I did update early last time! XD Quite long I should think. Not as thrilling as it could be but it can't all be guns and blood! XD

Hope you liked it! Please comment and vote! Aiming for top 20 in thriller!

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please get some comments in I will say again!


“Nathan?” I stuttered, my eyes wide with astonishment.

His eyes focused on mine and his chest heaved with relief.

“Isabelle,” he replied with a sigh.

I stared into his eyes, both filled with adrenaline, energy and anger and bit my lip; what was happening?

Monique? I thought.

There was a pause before Monique’s sleepy consciousness filled mine, filling me with more emotion and confusion.

Nathan is here? How is he? Where was he? She gasped in my mind.

I don’t know…

I then realised that I was currently having a bath and there was not a stich of clothing on me. My cheeks burned as they turned scarlet and I quickly shifted, holding my knees tighter to my bare chest.

He seemed to realise at the same moment as his eyes raked over me for a second before he straightened up and nodded to Leah.

“Leah,” he greeted, “We can talk later,” he added to me, his face grave.

I nodded and he left quickly, closing the door quietly behind him.


I smoothed down my new skirt nervously, glancing at the door of my new bedroom. Leah had given me a new set of clothes composing of a brown pleated skirt, a creamy white shirt, some brown woollen tights and some black lace up shoes.

Though she was older than me, she was smaller and the clothes she had given were a little tight.

I pulled down the skirt again, feeling uncomfortable at how high above the knee it was and tugged at my shirt which clung tightly, and rather embarrassingly, to my torso and sighed.

I sat down on my bed and fumbled with my fingers as my heart raced.

Monique had melted away in my consciousness, dealing with her own thoughts in privacy as I coped with reality.

I stood and my eyes spotted a small mirror on the table in the corner. I strode over to it and grabbed it, bringing it up to my face, curious to see what Monique looked like.

I was surprised. Though Monique had said she was seventeen, her heart shaped face reflected all the youth of a young girl. Her skin was clear and pale, her hair was elbow length and golden blonde with a slight curl to it and her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. Overall, she was a very beautiful young woman.

I let out a long breath and placed the mirror carefully on the table before turning and walking over to the door. My fingers rested on the handle and I hesitated. Leah had told me that Nathan’s room was just at the other end of the corridor on the left and I did need to talk to him. I was nervous though; I had no idea what was happening and I wasn’t sure what was happening to me, us.

I turned it slowly and stepped out into the drafty corridor. The smell of damp met my nose, resembling the scent you got when you went into an old house or dark attic and the taste of paint and dust rested on my tongue. Along this corridor, there were four rooms on each side, each with a rusty door handle and cracked paint work. I walked slowly towards the last door on the opposite side, took a deep breath, and knocked.

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