My Sentence (3)

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So this is my third chapter! I am loving this story at the moment and can't wait to get into the war scenes in the upcoming chapters so plenty of action to come! I really need some reviews as even if I think the story is good, your opinion is what really matters so leave a comment or review and I will look at your stuff if you do! ;)

About half way through writing this chapter, i broke my arm falling off a startled horse (thank you Hirondelle -_-). the chapter might take longer to write as i only have one hand to use, please remember that!



I was cold. That was all I knew. I couldn't see anything as my eyes refused to open. A strong smell of medicine and bleach lingered in the air and all I could hear was a low humming noise and a beeping, increasing in speed gradually.

I began to tremble, fear coursing through my veins sending huge waves of terror and adrenaline into my heart. My heart pumped faster and faster, sent into a frantic thumping in my chest as the beeping got louder and louder.

My eyes flew open and light blinded me instantly, making my heart thump all the harder. I fumbled around sightlessly then found something stuck in my arm. I wrenched it out before I could even think and let out a small cry of pain. Shouts and voices met my ears, every tone sounding panicked and worried making me let out a small scream of fear.

"She's going into shock! Get the oxygen!" A voice echoed, sounding dreadfully close to my ear.

"Gahhhhh!" I gasped, leaping backwards.

My head clashed against an invisible wall and I let out a bleat of pain, my hands going up to hold my head. Something stopped me, grabbing my arms and pulling me down. The terror and fright reached an all time high and finally I let out a piercing scream before floating away from consciousness...


My eyes fluttered open to reveal a large room with sun shining through the window pleasantly. The room was painted white and light yellow and had a warm ambiance about it. I smiled, feeling relaxed and warm in the comfortable bed. I took a deep breath and at once, the incredibly strong smell of bleach and disinfectant reached my nose, making it burn disgustingly. Then I remembered, making the connection within seconds.

I wrenched myself up from the bed, threw the covers to the bottom of the bed and swung my legs over the side before leaping up. I was hit immediately by a wave of dizziness and stumbled forwards blindly, tripping and falling over nothing as I went. My fall was only stopped by two firm hands on my shoulders.

"I think staying in bed would be wise Miss Fox," a calm masculine voice said coolly.

I blinked rapidly, hoping to push away the fuzziness that blurred my vision brought on by the sudden dizzy spell.

"Huh?" I managed after a few seconds.

The man chuckled and steered me around before sitting me back down on the bed. I did not resist and allowed him to help me and nodded my thanks when he handed me a glass of water. I sipped at it meekly till I finished it and then looked up to meet his eyes.

The man must have been ten years or so older than me but still looked quite young. He was a natural blond haired man with lightly tanned skin and the most startling blue eyes I had ever seen. He was obviously the ladies man and the navy blue uniform showed off the muscle he had which he seemed to use to his advantage as the shirt was tight to show off his chest. I suppressed the snort that begged to follow that detail and looked up at him with an obstinate look.

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