Intransigent | 29

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Chapter 29

Ashton had been working nonstop with the alphas he had treaties with to come up with as many possible plans as they could think of, trying to think of every counter attack Max could use and find ways around it to prevent casualties. I hadn't been able to drag him out of the office for even one meal today and I wasn't letting stay cooped up in there anymore. Enough was enough. Max could wait another day.

When I walked into the office, Ashton was twirling a pen through his fingers, the cell phone cradled between his shoulder and neck as he intently studied the diagrams before him.

"Ashton, come down and have a snack with me," I suggested quietly.

"I can't, sweetheart," he told me, pointing at his phone. "I'm talking with Alpha Daniel."

I glared at him. "You've been up here all day. You need to take a break and rest."

"Give me a second, Daniel?" Ashton said into the phone before covering the bottom with his hand. "I have to get this all sorted out, Emma. I want to be able to get Max out of the way so that we can move on."

I walked over to him and sat on his lap, kissing his lips softly. "Max will still be there tomorrow," I murmured, my lips only centimeters from his. "Take a break and come get a snack with me."

He kissed me again. "Ten more minutes?" he bargained.

I shook my head stubbornly. "You've been in here all day."

"Just let me finish with Daniel," he requested.

I raised an eyebrow in contest and he just stared back at me. Deciding that I would have to take matters into my own hands, I snatched his phone out of his hands and took off around the side of the desk.

Laughing as I circled the desk to stay on the opposite side of him, I lifted the phone to my ear. "Daniel? Do you mind if Ashton calls you back in the morning? He's been working too hard."

Daniel's laugh greeted me before his agreement did. "Goodnight, Emma."

"Goodnight," I replied sweetly before hanging up the phone.

"Emma," Ashton growled. "You get your butt over here and stop running from me."

I shook my head laughing, darting around the desk as he lunged for me again. The phone on his desk rang, and he reached for it without removing his eyes from mine.

"Ashton," he practically growled into the phone. There was a pause as he listened to the other person and I recognized the voice on the phone as my father's. "Well, I don't know," he responded. "Emma darling, get over here and answer the phone."

I giggled as I made my way back to his side of the desk and took the phone from his fingers. His hands went straight to the ticklish spot on my hips, making me giggle as I greeted my father.

His news literally made my heart stop. Rodney was there and he'd brought his little sister with him. I felt Ashton wrap his arms around me tightly as he offered me support. The only thing I could think about was going to get him. I knew that he probably wasn't comfortable with my parents and I felt bad that I hadn't been there when he arrived.

Ashton understood that I needed to go get him. "I'll let Dane know that he's in charge," he told me, kissing my forehead. "Go down and start the car. I'll be right there."

I kissed his lips quickly, so thankful to have him, and then I ran downstairs and grabbed the keys off their hook before going to the garage. I climbed into the car and shoved the keys in the ignition, starting it up.

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