Intransigent | 24

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Chapter 24
Emma's POV

I was practically giddy as we walked out of Ashton's office, hand in hand. I had felt his anger while I was helping Cara frost the sugar cookies and I'd gone into his office to help calm him down. I didn't imagine for a second that we would leave marked.

I was on cloud nine, loving the feeling of being marked and so happy that he was mine. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked towards the kitchen and smiled when he kissed my head in response. His hold on my hand tightened and he rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand in a gentle caress.

When we walked into the kitchen, everyone except Cara and Emily gave us wide, knowing smiles. Michael walked over and pulled me into a tight, fatherly hug, surprising me enough that I almost forgot to hug him back.

"Welcome to the family, Emma," he whispered into my ear. "Don't you worry, we're going to take care of Max."

I smiled slightly, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Michael," I whispered back. "I'll help you with that."

He laughed deeply, pulling back to look at me with his hands on my shoulders. "I guess you do have a bone to pick with him," he agreed, his smile sticking as he looked me over. "For now, you just settle in."

I grinned and nodded. "That's going to be easy. You have a pretty amazing pack, from what I've seen so far."

Sarah stepped up beside us, and I could tell she was still slightly miffed about our minor confrontation in the kitchen earlier. I shrugged it off. I wasn't going to hold a grudge and hopefully she would be wise enough to realize that we lead the pack differently.

"I'm glad that Ashton found you," she told me with a small smile.

"I'm glad he did too," I replied, returning her smile and stepping back into the circle of his arms.

"Mmm, me too," Ashton whispered into my ear, making me giggle.

"Well, you three better get back to Ashton's office," I told them, leaning back to kiss Ashton's cheek. "I'll stay here and help with dinner."

Ashton pulled my head back slightly and kissed my lips gently. "I'll fill you in later," he told me, squeezing my waist slightly before leading his parents back to his office as I turned around to watch him go.

When I turned back around to face the kitchen, Ricky was grinning at me and waggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, leaning into his side when he wrapped his arm around me.

"Are you happy?" he asked, staring down at me intensely.

I nodded. "I'm very happy, Ricky," I told him softly. "This is everything I've dreamed of since I was a little girl."

He squeezed my shoulders tightly for a moment in a half hug. "I'm glad. You deserve it after everything that you've been through."

I turned to face him completely, his arm dropping back to his side. "So do you, Ricky," I told him quietly. "I think that while I'm settling in here you should go back and see your family."

He started to protest, but I held up my hand, silencing him. He rolled his eyes at my motion, but stayed quiet. "There's no danger here for me right now. Max has no idea where I am and if he had to guess, he'd probably think I'm back with my parents by now. I know you miss them. Go see them. I promise we will let you know if we have any trouble with Max. You deserve to face him just as much as I do. You can come back when we need you."

He took a deep breath and I could see his resolve weakening. He loved his family and I knew that he wanted to see them. He let his breath out in a whoosh and yanked me into his arms, squeezing me tightly. "You promise that you'll call me the second Max or Ashton makes a move? Whichever comes first?"

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