Chapter 1 - My Angel

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Hi! Back again, after only a day! This has taken most of the day to write, and I know it's not very long - I apologize! It will need editing (so please bear with any mistakes!). Probably won't be updating again for a couple of days (or more...), but I will start writing chapter 2 when I have a spare moment. Enjoy!

Unedited - Will be edited later, there may be spelling/grammatical mistakes

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Kira POV

(8 months ago)

A figure stands before me in the shadows, their back towards me. His back – somehow I know the figure is male, without even taking a step closer. He stands tall, his stance strong yet somehow graceful. His body is patterned with shadows, thin tendrils of mist dancing and twisting around him. Standing where I am, his face is shrouded in darkness. I feel like I should know him, despite having no recollection of when I should have met such a person. I know I would certainly remember. I have the sudden urge to see that face, just to prove myself wrong, to clarify that he is, indeed, a complete stranger. And yet, a tiny part of me hopes that I'm right, that I have met him before, that I could meet him again. I don't know why that is. Curiosity overpowers all other emotion, and I take a hesitant step towards him. An explosion of thunder startles me, and leaves me wary, but does not deter me. I feel strangely eager, too eager. I take another step, and another. I am only a few metres away from him now. I go to take another step, and another crash of thunder resonates through the air, echoing in my head. My ears ring, and I am left dazed. The noise swells, and a knife-like pain sears through my head. I feel my chest tighten and my breath hitches. I gasp for air, and my piercing scream joins the thunder in its agonising song.


(Current time)

He stands with his back to me, face concealed by a sweep of thick, dark hair. Though I cannot see clearly in the darkness, the figure standing before me is familiar. I have been here before. He is tall; he would tower above me, if he were to stand next to me. Yet I am not afraid. I used to feel as though I should be, but I have long stopped trying to fight the undeniable pull I feel towards him. Anyone else, in this situation, would intimidate me. But not him. I take a step forwards, towards him. Ignoring the constant crescendo of thunder, I take another step, and freeze. He turns, slowly, purposefully. A gasp escapes me as his eyes meet mine for the first time. His eyes are dark, almost black; I am breathless under the intensity of his stare. Time seems to stop; everything disappears, except for him. I can see him in perfect clarity. A flash of lightning blinds me. And then everything goes dark.

I wake with a start, sweaty and breathless. Even after eight challenging months of disconcerting visions, nothing in the world could have prepared me for that. The dreams always leave me mentally exhausted, though each one seems to be more vivid, more extreme. By now I thought my body would have grown used to the experience. They have become a regular occurrence in my life, along with the visions – which started around my 16th birthday. I was a late bloomer (other than the enhanced senses that all of my kind are born with), but my parents always said my gift would show itself eventually, that it was perfectly normal for my powers not to have revealed themselves yet. I guess they were right: my powers are certainly making themselves known now! I'm glad, I suppose, because it means I'm not a freak, like I always thought. When everyone around you has discovered their gift, except you, you do start to wonder if there's something wrong with you. But is a little warning honestly too much to ask!?

Over the past months, I have spent so long wondering, wishing I could see his face, to see who he truly was. But every time I stepped too close, I would wake up. Each vivid dream has brought me a little closer to him, to knowing who he really is. I feel like I have known him my entire life – he is so familiar to me. When I think about what I really know about him, though, he is a complete stranger to me. I have no idea what his personality is like, his likes and dislikes, his habits. Nothing. I don't even know his name. Even so, I think of him as my guardian angel. He is always present in my dreams and he always makes things better, when times are tough.

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