Fighting the Losing Battle - Prologue

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Hi! This is my first story. Eeeeeeek! Have been writing amateur stories for several years, but never dared to put anything up on Wattpad until now. Comments would be appreciated! Got plenty planned, so here's the prologue! Will try to update regularly. Hope you enjoy!

No Copyright intended. This story is a work of fiction, and any opinions, names, events, places and characters are made up, or used for fictional purposes only. Any resemblance to actual people (living or dead), events or places is entirely coincidental. Content belongs to me, unless sourced and/or stated (i.e. song lyrics, book/film quotes, etc) and may not be used, copied or distributed unless specific permission is given.

Unedited - Will be edited later, there may be spelling/grammatical errors.



Kira POV

The visions started last year, on my 16th birthday. Though I can't read minds (that never was my gift), I have a feeling I know what you are thinking. No, I'm not crazy. Honest.

I was born into a line of 'gifted' people, a race with superhuman powers. I grew up surrounded by those with mind control, enhanced senses, the ability to control the elements. I knew telekinetics, spoke with shape-shifters, and was close friends with a clairvoyant. You could say I had an...unusual childhood, but, to me, it was normal. I felt safe and loved around these people. They were my home.

There was a time when my kind were everywhere. It was quite possible to have brushed past one of us in the street, to have held a conversation, or even to have been best friends with us. You could have been living next door to us for years.

You would never have known.

It's not that there weren't signs. There were. But our 'gifts' were not the type to be easily accepted. Mankind can convince himself of anything, no matter how little sense it makes, if it means he does not have to accept the truth, the truth that the impossible is not always as... impossible as he has been lead to believe. The glass of water, knocked over at a dinner party; frozen mid-fall for a split second, thousands of tiny, glistening droplets, hanging suspended in the air? Caught by the mysterious new neighbour, without so much as a drop of water spilt? They must have quick reflexes. We are so lucky they caught it, they saved our new carpet. We should be thanking them. Never taking a second to wonder how they managed to catch the glass so quickly. That person who just gets you, who understands like no other has ever understood, who says exactly what's on your mind. Never stopping to consider that maybe, just maybe, they really did know what you thinking. Everything that you were thinking.

As I said, the signs were there. They were just generally ignored, pushed from the mind, classified as impossible, and forgotten. Just a trick of the light, they'd say later. I must have been imagining it. One of humankind's greatest weaknesses: the inability to be open-minded.

You see, human instinct is such that every single thing must be understood, with perfect clarity, no complications. Everything must be explained, it's existence reasoned with logic and science. Anything that is not understood becomes the rival, the enemy. And the enemy must be destroyed. So, one hundred and fifty years ago, when a number of people became suspicious, they formed an organisation, with one common resolve: to expose and eliminate the enemy. They called themselves the Equos Venaticus. And we became their prime targets.

Once upon a time, my people were everywhere. But not anymore. That time has passed.

Now they're all gone. All of them, dead.

Except me.

Now I'm alone.

The last of my kind.

And I'm being hunted.

Fighting the Losing BattleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora