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"I would say... seven."

"A seven? C'mon Sam I would say at least a seven point five."

"Naw man, have you seen those legs."

"Ok, fine I guess seven then. What about her?"

"Five and a half."

Sam and his buddies were partaking in one of their favorite school activities - rating girls. It kept them entertained between classes, and even during a few. Today was just the slightest bit off. Sam had always secretly had an eye for detail, but today it backfired. He noticed something he shouldn't have. Or, more precisely, someone he shouldn't have. Particularly the art freak that had been in his psychology class. What was her name again? Vanessa? Victoria? Something like that. He had made eye contact with her for not even a second and it somehow caught his attention, particularly her eyes. Weird. Sam and his friends continued down the hall when they were stopped by the vice principal.

"Mr. Rosswell, the principle needs to see you in his office immediately."

"Why's that?"

"It is none of my business. If you would be so kind." She gestured toward the office.

With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Sam trudged toward the door. Why did she have to use my last name? It's not like it's a secret though. Sam's full name was Samuel Rosswell IV. His great, great grandparents had founded the school, and all of his relatives before him had attended it, which is why he went there. He certainly didn't excel in academics, athletics, or the arts. In truth, he hardly cared about school, or anything that didn't pertain to his friends, his motorcycle, or his girls. He didn't even care about the fact that his parents practically owned the town, although it did come in handy a few times. As he sat in the chair across from the principle, he instantly knew this wasn't about anything good. He could read the principal's face like a book.

"Mr. Rosswell, I trust you had a good summer?"

"It was alright."

"And I trust that summer school went well."

"Sure." Except for the fact that he didn't bother to show up. That must be why I'm here.

"The subject of your summer education program is what I wished to speak to you about."

Here we go.

"Because your attendance was non-existent, you will have to make it up over the course of the academic year. We have provided you with a tutor to guide you and record your progress."

"Wait. What? So your saying I still have to do ALL of my summer work?!"

"Yes, alongside a tutor with excellent academic standing."

Crap. "What the-" The principal shot him a pointed glare. "-heck! Why can't I just have like a detention or something?"

"A detention would not suffice for this punishment. You are still required to complete the work in order to graduate in two years."

Can this get any worse?

"Could you at least tell me who I'll be spending my time in hell with?"

"Her name is Valerie Butler."

So that's her name...

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