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Second period and I already feel like I'm dying. Valerie Butler sat in the third row of the Spanish room at RSG. Who knew Sophomore year would be such a bust? Well, at least I can survive art and psych class. That was pretty much all Valerie cared about other than music.

"Can anyone translate this sentence for me?" Señora Malena was by far Valerie's least favorite teacher.

"It says, 'Clean your room before you wash the dishes'." And Haylie Thrussell was Valerie's least favorite person. Why does she feel the need to be someone she's not? Doesn't she know we can all see right through her little act? Valerie held mountains of resentment against people like Haylie, the people who like to sacrifice their happiness just to impress everyone around them. She also had a strong dislike towards those who put all their effort towards getting the attention they really don't need. These people are driving me absolutely insane.  

"Muy bien, Haylie! Now, can anyone tell me what this sentence says? What about you, Señorita Butler?"

Of course she picks me. "Um, 'Make your bed after you brush your teeth'?"

"Bien hecho, Valerie!" Then, to Valerie's relief, the bell rang gloriously.

"Don't forget to look over the class syllabus tonight! Adios!" Señora Malena called as Valerie practically ran out to the hall. Break. Finally. She grabbed her books for the next class and was on her way to her usual reading spot when she noticed a flyer on the wall:

"Are you an artist? Sign up for the Rosswell School for the Gifted Annual Art Competition! One lucky winner will have their work displayed at the Wilson County Art Exhibit and will receive a $1000 cash prize!!!"   

Val stared at it with wide eyes. "I have to enter this contest." Just then her best friend and the only person who really understood her, Margaret Dorsey, appeared at her side.

"Oh my gosh Val you have to enter this!"

"I know. That's exactly what I just said."

"How coincidental!"

A sound of raucous laughter drew Val and Margaret's attention to the end of the hallway. Of course, it has to be Them. The most obnoxious, rude, flashy, egotistical, ostentatious, vehement, and wealthy punks in the entire school. Val and Marge couldn't stand their presence while every other girl seemed to fall at their feet. There was no denying that they were physically good-looking, but Val preferred guys with a personality and a brain. She suddenly made eye contact with the leader, but she turned away quickly and started walking in the other direction. Margaret ran to catch up with her.

"Ugh of all of the boys in the world, why did it have to be those idiots that ended up in our corner of the universe."

"Listen Margie, you know I would love to discuss the theories behind coincidence and 'how we end up where we do' but I really have to read. I'm right at the most climactic part of my book and I would probably explode if I couldn't find out what happens."

"I totally understand, girl. See you at lunch."

As Valerie walked towards the small outdoor courtyard that nobody used, she couldn't help but look back for an instant. The moment that she had made eye contact with the guy, she became unnerved by what she saw. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and for a brief second, Val saw something she didn't expect from the boy who seemed to have everything: loneliness.     

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