Chapter 46

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I watched him with fascination. I don't know since when my feelings changed, but I'm clearly developing an attraction towards him. But that would not be right. He's much younger, and it would be so feel this way to him.

But God, Mickey is just so adorable, that I can't help myself....

"Your son has fascinating powers. And it would definitely be advantageous to us, if he can come to the Elder Association and become one of us." A younger Elder said. That words break my daydreaming.

I frown and look at the man with questioning eyes. "Come with you?? Are you out of your mind?! My son is the mate of this pack's Alpha, and taking him away from here will weaken them. You clearly knew that from the start. So what on Goddess' name are you implying?!"

"I know that. But he's still a part elder. And as one, he has an obligation to fulfil." He answered, with a pointed look.

"Obligation?! Don't fuck with me. You're group are the only one who made that rule up. Some bastards you all are! My son can do whatever he wished to, and as long as I'm here, I will not let anyone force him to do something he don't want to." I'm standing now, anger is clear in my eyes, to the point, it starts glowing viciously. Everyone in the room are looking at me, like I'm crazy. But I really don't care.

"Old man, don't threaten us. If you don't want to put your whole pack in harm's way."

He just said the worst thing... My control snap. The air around me change. I heard Liam's voice calling for me, then someone starts screaming. But my mind is elsewhere, and I only want one thing. And that's to kill the man in from of me.

"Stop it. I know you don't want this. So please get a hold of yourself.." The growing storm inside me suddenly diminished. The anger slowly vanish, until my mind become clear again. I'm bewildered. And absolutely baffled. Turning my head on my right, I see Mickey. Standing beside me, holding my arm, with worried face.

Time stop. And everything vanished. I can only see him. And that makes me finally, realized, that he is really the one...

My hand moved on its own accord. Brushing the side of his cheeks with my fingertips. I saw him blush. And I can't help but smile.

I'm affecting him!

God, I'm so happy right now.. "For so long, I finally find you.." and I kissed him..

"Dad? Mickey? What's going on?!"



I'm growing hopeless. I don't know how many hours had pass but I still can't see anything. I can speak, but it doesn't help if I can't move. The place is clearly far away from people so how can I ask for help..

So what now?!

Then, to my surprise I suddenly heard voices..

"-is is still unconscious. I think that whatever they decided to do to me, Louis has a right to be there to hear......"

Is it my imagination, or I'm just being delusional. But I swear that voice is very familiar..

"You're right. Sorry, I'm just scared."

No, I'm not imagining it! Its clearly, and definitely Masha's voice.

"But don't worry, for this pack, and as Louis Luna, I will do everything I can to protect everyone."

Its really Masha. But what is he saying? Protect everyone? Is there something wrong at the pack? Wait just wait? What the fuck is going on?!

"I'll be back, Lo. Just wait for me.."

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