Chapter 44

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Excruciating pain, that filled my entire body inside and out.

Aside from the pain, my body also felt so heavy that its hard to move, even as simple to open my eyes.

Its all too much to take in but I know that I have to wake up. And even though my human side still have a hard time understanding what's truly happening, I don't have the time to think because for some odd reason my wolf is so persistent in nudging me to move.

With heavy grunt, I roll my body and lay on my stomach. Then very slowly, I open my eyes. I blink, disoriented. The colors are blinding me for a second, and my mind is still in haze that I can't fathom where am I. Or what truly happened to me.

Slowly, I begin to see everything. Trees, grass and...what are those? Dead bodies..

Then just like that everything click into my head.




But then I grew rigid when I heard shouts, grunts, and heavy smacks. I suddenly snap my head towards the sound that the gesture almost break my neck. But what I saw shocked me completely, down to my core. My jaw almost hit the ground. And my breathing hitch.


A red wolf is fighting Jensen. Relentlessly without any remorse. And for some unknown reason, I knew that the wolf is Masha. I don't know why I feel so, but I know that I'm right.

Then, to finally answer the turmoil plaguing my head the red wolf suddenly shift into its human form. The change came so fast, that my eyes and my mind can't follow his every move. And before I knew it, Masha's already there standing completely naked.

He looked so different.

The aura surrounding him is so intimidating.. And the rage swirling in his eyes can frightened even the most fearless man out there.

Poor Jensen. His already unconscious, and broken but Masha is still advancing towards him. Shaking with rage. And it didn't even surprised me when he starts attacking again.

Am I sick to think that I love him more now? I know that its not logical to feel happy when someone is hurting because of me, but seeing my mate attacked the man who attacked me makes my heart swell with love.

And Masha's nakedness didn't help either. He just looks so hot when he's angry. I know I'm a complete pervert but I never thought that its this deep.

Then my eyes wander around his body, until it stop on the small bump on his belly. I groan, and I almost cum by the sight of him. But gosh!! How the hell did I even get a boner? Shucks! I'm in pain but I'm still this horny? I'm really messed up.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly drag my body to sit down. Then I called his name, "M-masha....."

But it seems that he didn't heard me. So I called again, while I muffled my screams filled with pain, from moving too much.

Then Masha stop attacking, and slowly turn to my direction. Our eyes met. Masha froze on his feet, and the man he's holding fall beside him as his hands grow limp in his sides.

I can feel my tears gathering around my eyes, but I hold it in. And instead I gave him a warm smile. Suddenly I felt someone holding my back, and by the smell its definitely Josh.. How the hell did he got here, I don't know but still the guy has pretty good timing. As always.

"Its enough. I'm okay.. Everything is okay now, Masha."

And then he shocked me when he starts crying... Heart wrenching sobs, which is filled with so much agony that completely broke my heart.

And its so frustrating that my legs don't have enough strength for me to stand. I wanted to run over him. Embrace him in my arms. Give him the comfort that he needs. Assure him that everything will be alright.

But sadly I can't. I can't even move a muscle and I know that my bones in my legs are completely broken, and it will take time before my wolf can heal me. Not to add the poison from the wolfsbane that I got from my fight with Jensen and his warriors which is circulating within me..

Frustrated and angry with my self, I just sat there with Josh help and watched my mate cry in front of me. And it hurts.. So fucking much. The pain is much worse than the pain from my broken bones, bruises and cuts. That every tears and sob Masha shead is like a knife, stabbing my heart. Continuously.. Leaving me breathless. And completely worthless.

"Louis.." He suddenly stutter, dragging me back into consciousness. Erasing the self pity that I felt, I widen my smile. God, I do not even notice that he got closer, nor when did he moved. Or even how did he manage to touch me and caress my face with his trembling hands. The pain is so immense, and my mind is so muddled that I have a hard time concentrating solely at him.

"Masha, thank God your alright..." I finally let out. Just focusing to utter those words take everything in me. And I'm sure that it won't be long now before I finally broke down. My consciousness is fading and my strength is slowly vanishing.

Then I'm surprised once again when I felt his warm hands gently cradle my broken body. And even though I wanted to held him too, my hands won't move and cooperate with me.

I felt him shaking, and I heard him sobbing. He's still in pain. And as his mate, I have to comfort him, to make him smile again. But I'm so useless now, that I can't even gave him a hug.

Fuck! How the hell did I let myself wounded heavily like this?

"Baby are you okay?" I whispered.

Masha become frozen, and suddenly he move his body gently away from me and peer down. " I'm okay, Lo.."

The tears already dried. And the rage from his eyes are long gone. My eyes grew wide, while I look at him. And I don't know why but I become scared.

Fear spread inside my heart like wildfire, as I bore my eyes with his. Within it, I saw determination.

Masha is changing. He's starting to grow up and I'm afraid, so afraid to what it might bring to us. I know that I have to be proud of him because he's becoming more stronger but at the same time I don't want him to.

I just want him to remain as a child, dependent in me... Vulnerable, weaker.. Someone who can't live without me.

"Everything will be okay now. Promise."

I look at him closely, and what I saw is not the boy I first saw on that day in the plane. He's not the boy with messy and filthy clothes, who I first fell in love with. He's slowly changing and turning into a man. To someone I don't know. He's becoming a stranger. And I don't want that!

My head become heavy, and I become dizzy. The world is spinning, like my thoughts are.

Uncertainty, and insecurities slowly invade my mind leaving me completely broken.

I love Masha more than anything, and I know I will gave him everything even my life.

That's why I'm afraid. Scared that he will change his mind one day, and leave me. He's still young. And even though we are mates, I can't help but to think negatively.

What if he become tired of me? Or what if he starts hating me? And what if he actually hated me already, because I got him pregnant?

There are a lot of 'what ifs' in my head that I do not know what to think anymore.

God, without him I am nothing... He and our unborn children are my everything and I know that I can't continue living if they're not here with me.

And I don't know why but it seems the emotional turmoil that I'm feeling is too much that the tears that I'm holding finally fall. I slowly raise me arms, gritting my teeth, to stop my screams.

With shaking hands, I caress his cheeks lovingly. "Lo.."

He sounds worried. And I do not want him to be. I wanted to assure him, and tell him that I'm okay but something else come from my mouth. Words that I don't want him to hear. My fears and insecurities, that I always hold within my heart.

"Please don't stop loving me.."

And then my world turn black.


I Belong To You ( man x boy )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora