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[The time was 7:10 pm.]

[Knock knock...]

[A calm male voice heard inside the room.]

Person 1 : The door is open Ramu Chacha. You can come in.

[Someone headed towards the bedside and patted 2 times in his thighs.]

[The touch was very light and there was a big smile who knocked him.]

Person 2: Bhaiyaaaa (smiling), your coffee.

['Bhaiya'(Hindi) ='Brother'(English), 'Anna'(Tamil) and 'Dada'/'Dadabhai'

[The person extended the cup towards him.]

Person 1: Aarya! (Grins teeth with anger) How dare you come to my room? Huh?

[Aarya settled back in fear.]

Aarya: Bh... Bhaiya, you've returned from the office and I.... I thought you'd prefer black coffee as usual. That's why I brought it because Ramu Chacha making the dinner. So I.....

[As she extended the cup towards him once again, her brother shrugged the cup in rage. And as a result unfortunately, the whole coffee fell over Aarya's little hands. As it was extremely hot, she screamed in pain and the cup dropped on the floor.]

Aarya: Ahhhhhhhhhh (screaming)....It's.... It's burning....

Aarya's Brother: (ignoring her pain) How many times have I told you, don't ever dare to disturb me? Huh! (Screamed in anger)

[Aarya started weeping, she is just a 7 years old little girl. Where her skin is soft like rose petals, how can she bear the pain of such an intense burn.]

[Meanwhile, her brother screamed again.]

Aarya's Brother: Get out of my room Aarya.

[She couldn't bear it and while she rushed to get out of his room, Ramu Chacha just entered as he also heard the scream of her. But she ignored him and ran while weeping.]

Ramu Chacha: (very calmly) Vijay Beta, why did you become angry at her again?

['Beta'(Hindi) = 'Son'(English), 'Babu'(Bengali)]

Vijay: Chacha, please clean the area and tell her not to come in front of me.

[While cleaning the area, Ramu Chacha tried to speak with him.]

Ramu Chacha: Vijay, I've seen you when you were also just a 7 year old boy. If I'm not wrong you are not like that Vijay. You have changed totally.

Vijay: (forcefully closed his laptop) Not again Chacha. I'm just bored telling you that, I don't like her (in anger). She snatched everything from me. At the age of 22 I've suffered endlessly.

Ramu Chacha: But you have to understand that she is your little sister. She is not your enemy. How can you ignore her pain? Just forget about what you lost and.....

Vijay: Ramu Chacha, could you please leave me alone? (In frustration)

[Ramu Chacha sighed and silently left the room.]

[Aarya in her bed sat down with her legs crossed. Her pink cheeks continuously felt warm drops of tears. The upper side of her left hand became swollen and dark red.]

[After dinner, in his room, Vijay stared at the blank screen of his laptop, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. He took off his spectacles, leaned back and closed his eyes.]


[Prakash Rajendran, a formidable figure in the world of import and export, CEO of 'Rajendran Global Logistics'. With a sharp mind for strategy and an unmatched eye for opportunity, he navigates global markets with finesse. His suave demeanor and commanding presence make him a force to be reckoned with in boardrooms and negotiations alike. From luxury goods to essential commodities. His business empire spans continents, earning him the reputation as one of the most influential players in the industry.]

[Sudha Rajendran, as a mother and the beloved wife of Mr. Rajendran, she embodied the nurturing essence of Mother Nature. Like the gentle embrace of a mother's arms, her nature is soft, comforting, and imbued with boundless love. Despite the grandeur of her husband's business ventures, Sudha's heart remains rooted in the simple joys of family life. She cultivated a sense of security, serenity and warmth within their home. Her nurturing presence brings a sense of peace and tranquility, akin to the harmony found in nature's embrace. With her gentle touch and unwavering support, she is not only the heart of her family but also a beacon of maternal love for all who know her.]

Sudha: Vijay.. Vijayyyy (little screamed). Look at the time Beta.

Vijay: (in a sleepy tone) Umm.... 2 minutes Maa.

['Maa'(Hindi/Bengali) = 'Amma'(Tamil), 'Mother'(English)]

[Vijay took the pillow and covered his face.]

[Vijay Rajendran, at 15, is a promising young boy with a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge, he eagerly explored the intricacies of the world around him. Despite his privileged upbringing, he possessed a down-to-earth nature and a genuine humility that endeared him to those around him. He approached life with a sense of wonder and optimism. He delved deep into subjects that piqued his interest, whether it be science or literature. Vijay already displayed a sense of responsibility and maturity beyond his years. He has taken his studies seriously, striving for excellence in all that he does, yet he also found joy in the simple pleasures of life, cherished moments spent with family and friends.]

Sudha: Oh hooo.... Vijay you're going too late for your school. Just get up.

[She pulled the pillow and forcefully got him up.]

Sudha: Any day you're going to meet with with your little partner. But till now you are not disciplined.

Vijay: (with a big smile) Don't worry Mumma, We'll disturb you together.


Person: What conversation takes part between you 2?

Vijay: Papa, as I'm a little late for class, Mumma is scolding me.

Rajendran: Hey Sudha, why are you scolding my son? (In a teasing tone) Don't you know we'll throw him on the dustbin after the arrival of our new member.

Vijay: Whatttt!!

[Rajendran and Sudha burst into
laughter at his reaction.]

Vijay: Maa, Papa. This is not fair. Even I also eagerly waiting for her. You can't taunt me like this. (Little anger)

Sudha and Rajendran: 'HER'!!!!

Vijay: Yes 'Her'. Because I want a cute little sister (smiling).

Sudha: But why sister?

Vijay: Umm... Because then we can celebrate 'Rakshabandhan' and 'Bhai Dooj' together. And if there will be a sister, then she will take care of me like you Mummy.

[They 3 had a playful laugh. It looked like all the world's happiness gathered at their door.]

Rajendran: Ok. Now it's enough. Just get ready and I'll drop you in my way to the office.

Vijay: Okay Pa...

['Pa'/'Appa'(Tamil) = 'Father'(English) 'Papa'(Hindi)]

[Vijay showed him a big thumbs up.]


Why does Vijay hate her sister?

Tell me in the comments.

Thank You for reading....

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