Chapter 4

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I just stare for a minute before I finally stutter out, "Oh yes, I just need a little help inside." He pulls a darken red rag out of his pocket and wipes his hands.

"Alright lead the way." He gestures his hand to the door and I walk out. We both follow in silence till we reach the front door. "I just wanted to take a bath and the hot water doesn't seem to work." I give him aa nervous smile as he is still looking like eye candy.

"I don't leave the water heater on, I turn it on and off when needed. Here let me go do that for you." He walks over to a door and starts walking down stairs into wait seems to be a basement.

"Ok I turned it on." He tells up. Soon he is standing back in front of me. "Let me go fill the bath for you."

"Oh you don't have to."

"No it's fine, let me" he walks into the bathroom and the sound of running water is all I hear. I slowly make my way to the bathroom.

"What are you working on out there?" I break the silence and say.

"Just trying to fix that damn tractor, we'll need it for harvest." His eyes meet mine and I see some nervousness in them.

"I will be honest, I know nothing when it comes to farming or tractor's." I laugh out. He gives a small laugh back, "Well I'll deal with all the farming, if you want to worry about the house."

His face is left with a smile and he start fiddling with his bib straps. "Sounds like a plan for me." Looking down I notice the bath water getting a little to full and so does Will. Quickly bending down he turns the water off.

"Well, I will finish up outside. Have a nice bath." With that he leaves me standing there as he shuffles past.

  Finally a hot bath. As I take my clothes off I carefully sit down in the tub. Heaven. The hot water against my skin, the soreness in my back seems to be relieved immediately.

I put a hand on my stomach. I'm starting to show a bit. I just hope nobody will make to much of a fuss over it. I just hope Will can love a baby who ain't his.

Climbing out of the bath I dry off and wrap my robe around me again. I look at myself in the mirror. All my makeup now gone and my bare face. I take my clip out and my long hair flows down with light waves.

Opening the door I make my way into the kitchen to grab a drink before I head back upstairs. When I walk in I'm greeted once again with the same green eyes. The eyes look me up and down and it's then I notice my robe it untucked a bit at the top. Fixing it he lets out a cough and I notice he isn't covered in grease and dirt anymore.

"Sorry I was just grabbing some water." I give a quick smile to ease the tension in the room. I make my way over to grab a glass. "Here let me" a hand reaches above me and grabs a glass down. "Thank you" I smile back and go fill it with water.

"Did you need to go rinse off?" I ask breaking the silence. "No, I used the hose outside." He runs his hand through his hair and I notice it's a bit wet.

"Oh, ok" I look over at the clock and notice it's already 8. "I should head up to bed." I make my way past him and start to head to the stairs.

"Yell if you need anything" I hear him say behind me.

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